On the 12th Day of Christmas .. BakuTodo

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Prompt: Cuddling by a fireplace. 

Winter was awful for all those that hated the cold and grew easily sick. 

No matter what quirk you were given, everyone had a season they fell weaker in. 

What surprised Katsuki the most was that Shoto was always catching a damn cold in winter. You'd think for a guy with quirts of cold and hot, he'd escape something as simple a cold. But no, he caught them as easy as a corner caught little toes. 

Every year, every winter, the hero would be defeated by a bad cold and left stuck in bed as he's barely able to wobble to the bathroom without fainting. Medications didn't help either and it left the hot and cold hero to natural face the bug. 

Katsuki would often tease his husband over his weakness to the flu but he'd do so while still caring for him. Cooking easy to eat but warm meals that were good for someone who was unwell. Always checking the other's temperature and removing or covering him in blankets depending on the results. 

He'd help with sponge baths, let the other sit in their bathroom while he had a shower himself so he could breath in the stream. Dressing him in easy to remove pyjamas so the other didn't have to worry over wetting himself or would be able to change out of the outfit if he sweated through the fabric too much while he's out working. 

Katsuki loves his husband, he truly does. But whenever winter falls, he has a growing desire to simply murder his husband and claim on life insurance before buying a cat. It's a pretty good idea, he's mentioned it to his husband who liked the idea of gaining a cat, overlooking the fact he'd be dead. 

It's why he found himself enjoying the late evening of a winter night, deep snow outside their home and the air so chilly that even snowmen had taken to wearing coats outside. He was sat on the worn, old comfortable couch that they've taken years to gain their body imprints into it. 

Two hot chocolates half drank on the side table, closest to the one out of the two that could still feel and move their limbs freely. A plate of bought cookies laid on the coffee table, out of easy reach but neither were in the nibbling mood. 

His arms snugly wrapped around a lump of blankets and a set of fluffy pyjama's lump. His own quirk always making his body temperature higher than others and making him the perfect little heater for his husband. 

The radio was left turned on, volume low and leaving the air with a distance sound of old and modern Christmas music. Tired but content eyes staring out towards the fake fire place sat under where their tv was hooked on the wall. 

The fake fire place gave out heat as if it was the real day but the flames behind the safety glass were all fake. It was a nice little tool that they use every year, leaving them with a nice view of a fire with flickering flames and feeling the heat soak into their frosty nipped skin. 

This was the feel good Christmas he's always pictured when he was a boy. 

A fire by his feet, a home under his and his partner's name as equals, the person he loves wrapped in his arms and would never want to leave him. Accepting him for his perks and his flaws, even if he'd never admit to having any flaws in the first place. 

Cuddles and a fire, the perfect way to spend an evening in winter in his eyes and he loves it. 

Even if the one he loves were currently being gross enough to wipe his snot all over the first layer of blankets than using the box of tissues by his leg. That the one he loves breathing sounded like he had Dark Vadar currently cuddled into his side. The one he loves sweating so much that he might as well be used as a water fountain by this point and had left wet stains in the second layer of blankets. 

Even with his disgusting his husband was. 

They sat cuddled up, feeling the bite of the heat and watching the fake flames dance in  their fireplace as if they lived in a world full of magic. 

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