Ch. 1. Meet the Emo Squad

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Third Person POV: Jay woke up early the morning he came. 5 a.m. to be precise. Jay was told that a new boy would be in all his classes by the principal. "How the fuck can someone be equally as powerful and as smart as me?" He complained to Cole. "I don't know, but maybe you should shower. Your cigarette perfume is coming on strong, and we don't want to scare the new kid. He's taking that extra dorm room by the way." He sighed at Cole's response. 

Jay wasn't dressed yet for the day, no makeup, accessories, and no outfit in particular. He was just in Cole's hoodie that was too big for him and boxer shorts. He could shower easily with no hassle. "You think he'll be like us? Or will he judge us and pay for a different room? I understand Dareth's room change, he's got monster parents, and we're "bad influences". Like, I get better grades than half the people here!" Jay whined. 

"Jay, why are you whining so early!?" Kai said, coming out of his room. Jay stared at Kai and sighed. "The new roommate is also my classmate for all of my classes. That means there's going to be like 50 changes I have to accept! Duh!" Kai chuckled slightly. "Oh, do you think this guy will know how to cook?" Jay asked. Kai looked away. Jay sighed once more and said "Kai, baby! You know we'll always love you. You can weigh twice as much as Cole and we'll still love you." Cole nodded, not offended by Jay's comment, knowing he weighed more because of his constant body building and frequent diets to have more protein and allowing his muscles to weigh and lift more. Cole pulled out Yogurt from the fridge. "I know it's a fear food of yours, but unless you want to go back to hospital for anorexia recovery, I'd advise trying to eat it. It's sugar free if it makes you feel better!" Jay and Kai followed Cole into the kitchen. "What flavors?" Cole asked. "Blueberry for me, mint for when Lloyd wakes up, and strawberry for Kai" Jay said, saying all of his boyfriend's favorite flavors for yogurt (and the flavor Kai normally goes for when trying flavored fear foods.) 

Jay sat down next to his lover. He was on Kai's right. Lloyd walked out of his room, rather angrily, and stomped into the bathroom. He slammed the door pretty hard. Cole and Jay looked at each other. "You talk to him" Cole signed. Jay nodded. 

Cole and Jay both learnt ASL, Jay and Cole both often signed because it was often easier than actually talking. Jay had late development being born three months premature and surviving; when he was a child, his hands and arms being most functional, and the two being childhood friends, would learn together, especially since Jay struggled with talking. Jay knew more than Cole; since Lloyd would often going mute because of his Autism, that often meant that Jay the best choice. Jay searched up on his phone for the morse code alphabet and tapped on the door. 

 .__. ._.. . ._ ... . _ ._ ._.. _._ _ ___ __ . _... ._ _... .._..(Please talk to me, Babe)

He heard Lloyd shakily sigh as he opened the door. Lloyd was in Cole's pajama shirt that was just a t-shirt 2 sizes bigger that they all wore time to time. 

Lloyd squeezed Jay's butt, being the only thing he could squeeze since Jay was so thin. Jay massaged Lloyd's back. "Come on, buddy, want some yogurt? I'll put chocolate chips in it for you." Lloyd nodded, and let go of Jay. It was 7 a.m. two hours before class. Lloyd and Jay had both munched down on two yogurts, Kai finished one (without chocolate chips) and was trying to resist the urge to force himself to puke. 

"You guys want to shower together?" Jay asked. Lloyd nodded, Cole nodded, and Kai shrugged. Kai loved baths, but with the new kid coming, it would be good for them to all shower, not smoke that day, dress up, and not go all out. 

While in the shower, Jay bent down to Kai's stomach and left a love mark on it. "ugh, Jay, mm!" Jay smirked. "What was that for?" "To remind you when you're changing that you're beautiful enough there for someone to leave that." He said with a smug tone of voice. 

Cole laughed. "Jay, that's one way to help him." Then Lloyd squirted him with the shower head. "Lloyd!" Jay whined. Lloyd shrugged and worked more on washing his hair. 

Once they'd all finished their shower and brushed their teeth, they had to choose outfits. Jay picked out a skull t-shirt, some high rise jeans, arm warmers, and a bag. "I'm missing something..." He said. Cole handed him some earrings from Claire's to match his shirt. "How have you never worn these?" Cole asked. Jay shrugged. "I forgot they existed." 

Jay then put two magnets on his tongue to simulate a tongue piercing. Jay stuck his tongue out at Cole. Cole kissed Jay, bit his tongue, and slid the magnets off. "Jay, I chocked using these Freshman year!" Cole sighed, taking them out of his mouth. 

Jay simply put on a skull bracelet than went into his room. Cole was worried, because Jay did his hair, but Jay walked out a few minutes later with a skull backpack to match his outfit. "Alright, tall boy, sit!" He said, to the boy wearing a black button up with white cherries, white arm warmers, black pants made of leather, and white cherry earrings. Jay  started brushing Cole's hair, added in 5 little braids with white and black beads, and then he added a black cap to Cole's head. "How are the mentally unstable ones?" Cole asks. Jay shrugged. "I'll check." He signed. 

Jay entered Kai's room. Kai was staring at the mirror. The mirror was one he'd handmade with Nya and his parents. Jay and Cole wouldn't force him to throw it out. Kai was also standing on a scale. "Kai, that's not a whole lot." Jay said. "look, I weigh more than you, and my doctors tell me to eat more." Jay weighed 119.5 lbs while Kai weighed 103 lbs. "We should both weigh 150 pounds with how much we work out." Kai smiled a small smile at Jay. Jay noticed Kai still in his PJ's. "Here, put this on." Jay handed Kai a leather jacket, Ripped Jeans, a black shirt with a flame on it, and a necklace with a matchbox on it. Kai put it on, and Jay then made Kai's hair one big braid. "I'm going to guess you want one of these? Jay asked, handing Kai a small box of nose rings. "How about the red and orange one?" Kai said, filling 2 out of 3 of his nose piercings. "Perfect." Jay breathed, kissing Kai softly. "Like a perfect ember!" Kai smiled back, not saying anything. "Go hang out with Cole now.

Jay's POV: "I'm going to check up on Lloyd now" I sign when Kai goes over to Cole. 

I knock on Lloyd's door and search up morse code on my phone; .. ._ __ _._. _ _ _ _ _ .. _. __. .. _. (I am coming in)

I open Lloyd's door. Lloyd wasn't in undergarments like Kai, but still had a towel around him, and he was laying on his side in bed. "Hey buddy, you ok?" I ask, sitting on his bed. He shakes his head no. 

"I'm here, buddy." I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. I stand up and walk his dresser. "Where's my confident boyfriend today?" I ask. He shrugs. "What outfit are you thinking today?" I ask. He shrugs again. I need to get him talking somehow. He has a presentation to do today. 

I find two shirts that I think he'd like. One plain black v-neck shirt and one black, sport-like shirt with flecks of green sprinkled in. "What shirt?" I ask him. He points to the plain black shirt. "hmmm.... Cole and I both have arm warmers, but Kai is wearing a leather jacket, do you want to match with Kai or Cole and I?" I ask. "Uh" he mutters. "Um, Kai I guess?" Ok, good. I got him to say a sentence. 

I find a green glitter ball necklace on top his dresser. I then see a pair of black pants with green and purple patches. "These pants are cool! You need to teach me how to make these!" "Thank you" he says. "You should show em off, Lloyd" I say. "you think so? Ok!" He says, beaming. 

I give him his clothes, then go over to his dresser again. I would use my own makeup, but I need to get him to talk, so I use his. He has some shimmer shadows. I put on the black color, then I look at his eyeliner. I make a wing. I feel him standing behind me. I wasn't in my platforms yet, so he was like a mountain, having put on platform shoes already and being a little taller than me already. "I-Is that my make up?" He says. "Uh- uhm, yes." He giggles. "You're so much shorter than me!" "Only because of your shoes!" I say. He was wearing platform converse, so of course he was taller. 

Lloyd then takes the eyeliner from my hand, and gives himself wings. The two of us look at each other and laugh. 

Third Person POV: "Jay! Put your shoes on!" Cole called. Lloyd and Jay walked out of the room. "Well, hello there, you seem to be feeling better, Lloyd." Cole said. Lloyd looked at him with a confused look on his face. Cole laughed. "Come on, cutie." Cole said, taking a hold of Lloyd's hand. 

The four boys walked out of their room. "Shit! I'm going to be late!" A boy yelled.


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