Cole's Sick Day (I drew a picture for this chapter!?😲)

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Zane's POV: I wake up that morning, not to my alarm, but the loudspeaker. "Today will be a mental health day, students. Meaning no school or training. Lloyd Garmadon and Cole Brookstone, I need you two at my office at 8:30 today." Wu says. 

Lloyd's POV: After waking up to hearing there was a mental health day but I still need to see Wu, I wasn't happy. 

Kai's POV: I woke up to an announcement. My heart jumped out my chest when I heard it. It shocked me to hear. "Fuck, I need to turn the announcements down." I mutter. My pillow is wet and my face is stained. I really cried myself to sleep last night? I moan quietly. 

Cole's POV: I wasn't woken up by the announcement, I instead woke up to a bad stomach pain, headache, and intense nausea that resulted in me vomiting. Thank God I don't have school today, but it'll be horrible to go to Wu's today. 

Jay's POV: I was waken up by gut wrenching sounding vomit today. I thought it was Kai, but then I heard Cole's gentle cry. I heard the loudspeaker saying he and Lloyd had to go to Wu's today. I get up and walk into the bathroom. He's laying on the floor, using the bathmat as a pillow. His puke unflushed and some of it is on the ground. Heating pad on his stomach and shirt taken off and thrown to the side. He seemed to of thrown up his dinner last night. He had a lot as well. 

"Come on you," I pull him onto his feet. "Let's get your hair cleaned." I tell him. Seeing visible chunks in his hair because it was left down. 

I do basically everything for him, from cleaning the floor, to brushing his teeth, undressing him, cleaning his hair, washing his body, and drying him off. I blow dry his hair, and then I tie it up for him, making sure to tuck all of his hair back and bobby pin the whispies and smaller lengthened hair. I get him dressed in the end as well. 

Cole turns into a lazy teddy bear when he gets sick. He moves only when necessary. He plops down on the couch after I get him ready. I walk into Lloyds room to see if he's ready or not. Surprisingly, he is ready. He has on a forest-green button up, black fingerless-gloves, and black jeans. "Ugh, I don't want to do this!" Lloyd complains. 

I lift him up. "Augh- you- you have to-" I put him down. "You know I'm too heavy for you to lift like that." He says, laughing and blushing. "I know, doesn't mean I won't try." 

I bring Lloyd into the living room. He looks at Cole. Cole was laying completely on the ground now, he's taken off his hoodie and is using it as a pillow. "Woah, you ok, Rock-Johnson?" Lloyd asks. "No" Cole says. "Well, you two want breakfast?" I ask. Lloyd nods, but Cole stays completely still. I toast two slices of bread and put banana on them. I end up feeding Cole. He finished the toast, but before I know it, he stands up and runs to the bathroom. He managed to avoid getting any puke on his shirt, since his hoodie was still in the living room. He starts to cry again. "Shhh, it's ok." I tell him, flushing the toilet. 

Lloyd comes into the bathroom five minutes later and brushes his teeth. "Why is he required to go see Wu, I mean, judging by what the Upply said, Cole did really well. I shrug. 

I decide to accompany those two, leaving a note for Kai and Zane to read later on, then I head down there with them. 

No one's POV: "Ah, Hello, Jay!" Wu says, shocked to see Jay accompanying Cole and Lloyd. "Hey, Principle Wu!" Jay greets. Jay sits down on a little couch on the side of Wu's office while Cole and Lloyd sit down in the chairs. Lloyd grabs Cole's hand. "Hey, big guy, you'll be ok." he whispers. Wu looks over at Lloyd confused. "Is today a bad day for this?" Wu asks. "Yes, today is horrible for Cole. Cole woke up this morning throwing up." Jay shouts. "Oh, oh dear. Well, Jay, could you let Cole on the couch?" Jay nods, then helps Cole lay on the couch. "Mistaké, could you brew an anti-vomit-i-tea?" Wu asks, fumbling over the words, pushing a special intercom button. "What is anti-vomit-i-tea?" Jay asks. "Magic tea that keeps you from throwing up and allows you to eat." Lloyd says. Jay nods, fascinated. "Ok, now Lloyd, we're going to do your audible portion from the health exam in here. Lloyd looks away. Wu starts asking all of the questions from yesterday, and reluctantly, Lloyd answers him. Mistaké then brings in Cole's tea. Jay gives it to Cole. Cole still doesn't feel better though. He does stop puking, however. We are able to feed him toast with honey and he drinks a full bottle of water (Curtesy of Mistaké). 

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