The Health Exams

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Cole's POV: I got there in the nick of time. I was breathing heavily. "What's wrong, Cole? Smoked too many cigarettes again?" Plundar asks. I shake my head no. "Stopped that a while ago." I say. "Explains why the smell is so much more faint, only one now?" He asks. "No, haven't smoked in months." He nods. "Jay is the one doing it then, huh?" I nod. "And Lloyd." I say. "Ah, the freshman. He seems like it hasn't changed his mental state, Jay though, I'm a little worried for him. He's seemed down lately." I chuckle. "I'm surprised you noticed." I tell him. "Eh, it isn't that hard to see." 

Korgran and Fungus walk out. "You boys did well today! He tells Fungus and Korgran. Ah, you two must be Cole and Plundar. I am the health examiner today!" I am shocked to see a serpentine man wearing a monocle. "Wow, Wu really does know how to spice things up!" Plundar signs. "Wow, sign language, impressive! Well, I'm Doctor Schlange! The health examiner today. And boy, may I say you two are tall!" Plundar laughs. "Well, we should get started then." Doctor Schlange tells us. 

We get in the room and Doctor Schlange then says "Boys, I would like for you to tell me the truth and the whole truth, if not, Your Principal Wu has given me permission to hypnotize and ask the same questions demanding the truth. This is not to scare you, this is to make sure you tell the truth." I'll have to tell Jay that. He'll be someone ending up hypnotized. 

We do get weighed first then do various tests, from a grip test, blood test, pee test, we get weighed, a cranial nerve exam, our eyesight and hearing is tested, he tests both our speech (but I'm not sure if he was required to or because he saw us sign) and he has us walk, tests our balance, and has us answer all of anything extra curricular, even if they're electives or part of our routines and what we do in vs. out the school. Then he asks for our diets. He was impressed, then he got into some things Plundar and I didn't want to talk about. 

A lady walked in when Plundar started asking these. She was Misako. Lloyd's mom, the normal health examiner, and the head of the history and science departments at the school. The one teacher that wasn't afraid of my dorm mates and I. "Misako wanted to accompany me for this part for every group." "Hello there. Cole and Plundar, I want you two to be as honest with me as possible." We nodded. "When was the last time any of you smoked a cigarette?" He asks. I sigh. "It's been a couple months since I've last smoked. It was right before summer vacation. May twenty seventh." I tell them. Misako looks at me. "I'm proud of you, Cole, your scores improved in weight lifting and in your training portion of school with visible results." I look down smiling. "Good job, buddy!" Plundar says, slapping my back. "Now, as for me, I never touched a cigarette, but as a junior here, I did vape my freshman year, but stopped with the help of two of my dorm mates, Korgran and Fungus." Misako nods. 

They ask a few more questions related to that, then we get out tests back. "Cole, I'd like you to try and stop drinking since you're still only 17 and the legal age here is 21, since it shows in your urine tests you still are and, of course, you were honest and told us you drank yesterday." I nod. "Plundar, your tests all look great, eat more sugary foods because the blood sugar is at 54 and the average is 70, Cole, your weight had me a little worried and shocked, but your tests all showed up incredibly well, minus the urine test, and keep doing what you're doing!" Misako tells us. 

When Plundar and I are let out, I am shocked to see Kai there. "What, Kai, wow. I didn't expect to see you out here! Especially not looking like that! I say. He laughs. "Jay and Zane had the same reaction. Kai wasn't wearing any make-up, hair gel, or black clothing. "I knew you wearing the pants, but there isn't any black! OR NOSE RINGS!" I say looking closer. He doubles over, laughing. "They had me come in earlier today, since they're more worried and uh, I guess they wanted me to come while Misako was still here before teaching." "So you got a heads up!" I say joking, ruffling his hair. 

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