Supermarkets and Super feasts :D

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Jay's POV: I was walking with Zane to the nearest supermarket. There was a lot of colorful cars. They were really fast. I normally squeeze Cole's hand while we walk, so I was a little uncomfortable. "Oh, Jay, there it is!" Zane said. I smiled. "Ok, race you in!" I started running with no warning. "JAY, WAIT!" Zane said, chasing me. He got in a few seconds after me. We all panted, a little sweaty due to him wearing a hoodie and me wearing arm warmers. "So, let's get food!" I say. I followed him to the meat isle. "Are any of you guys vegan or vegetarian?" He asks. "No, we all eat meat and dairy." "Ok, so what do you think I should make?" He asks. "Chicken!" I shout. I cover my mouth and blush. Chicken was one of Kai's fear foods. So we should make some of that. I just said it louder than I wanted to. I help him pick out some more things. Cheese, pasta, tomato sauce, and of course, lemonade. Lemonade was something Kai avoided. He said it wasn't a fear food, but Cole, Lloyd, and I knew it was. "Ok, we got some good food!" Zane said. "I'll make Chicken Parmesan tonight!" I smiled. My mom used to make it all the time. We checked out and began walking back.

"Do you want a piggy back?" He asks me. "Huh?" I reply. "You're a ridiculously fast runner, but running is tiring and you walk slower than a turtle, so want to? I sigh, but give in. He laughs a little. "Shut, up, this isn't funny!" I say, blushing. "Aw, it's ok, Jay. Just think of it as additional training for me!" "But we're in public!" I cry out. "Well, you're incredibly slow, even when walking to class." Zane picks up his walk speed. "Woah, you're fast at walking, but a slow runner!" I say.

Zane's POV: We get back to the dorm eight minutes after him being on his back. It took us a lot less time on the way back. I am not kidding when I say Jay got off my back and ran into our dorm before screaming "We're having chicken parm, boys!" "Jay! Why are you screaming!?" Kai cried out. "Zane's making us something that isn't tv dinner or microwaveable!" Cole came out of the room. "WOAH, REALLY!? Can I help?" "NO!" Lloyd, Kai and I said. "Excuse me, but why is he unable to give service for making the meal?" "He sucks at cooking." Kai says. Jay laughs. "Ok, sorry! But at least I don't burn water!" Cole says. "HEY! That was a one.... five... maybe 10 time thing!" Lloyd said back. I laughed. Cole, Jay, Kai and Zane all looked at me; than each other; then we all laughed. 

"Cole, you can help me bread chicken!" I said, setting up three mixing trays for it. I filled one with bread crumbs and the other with three raw eggs. I whisked the eggs with a fork, then I set up the chicken on the extra tray. 

Jay's POV: "Ok, so you pick up a piece of chicken, you dip it and get egg all over it, then finally you put on bread crumbs" Zane says, while showing Cole what to do. 

I stare at them. It's cute. 

"Do any of you know how to make pasta?" Zane asks. I stare at Kai. "I do..." he mutters. "Great!" Zane says. "In about 10 minutes if you could make it, that would be amazing!" Kai is gripping his arms. His knuckles turning white. Lloyd and I look at each other than Kai. Lloyd and I nod at each other and take Kai into his room. "Hey, baby, don't worry." He is silent. "Kai, when you think about it, eating ramen is like eating pasta, don't feel bad." "It's just, maybe if it was just one, it would be easier, but it's pasta, chicken, and mozzarella, as well as the chicken has oil on it... am I allowed to eat it!?" He mumbles. "I'm eating it, and if you're not allowed to, I'm not allowed to. So, we're being rebellious and breaking rules!" Lloyd says in an effort to try to help. "Heh, yeah, rebelling. That's such a thing I'd do!" Kai says. "I'm allowed to eat it, and I did something I shouldn't have in my dorm. I smoked, so I'm allowed to do it even though I did something actually against the rules. If I can have it, you can!" I say. "Oh, yeah! I smoked as well, and I'm going to eat! You didn't smoke!" I say attempting to make a point "But, the calories-" "361 out of the 3000 athletes are supposed to eat. Today You've had 1,100. You can eat multiple plates and be allowed to!" I reply, interrupting him. Kai smiles. "That's only a little over a third." He says. "Exactly, you're allowed to eat!" Lloyd says. Kai has tears roll down his face, he's still smiling. "Thank you." "Hug pile!" Lloyd says. The three of us hug. Kai still crying. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Cole says. "Oh, hey Cole." Kai says, wiping his tears. "Zane says we're ready to start the pasta, if you guys need another minute or two though, that's fine!" Kai stands up. He sniffs. "No, no, I can make the pasta now!" He walks out the door. 

Kai's POV: I'm doing it! I'm making pasta. Spaghetti. Two boxes. I'm making 200 calories.... "Kai, baby, you doing ok?" Jay asks. I nod. "Kai, stop being good at math!" He says. "Hey, why!?" I say. I know what he means. He can tell I'm adding the calories in my head. I hear the bubbling of the water, meaning it's boiling hard enough for me to add the pasta. I open the boxes and pour the spaghetti in. "Oh, did you add salt in? It helps the pasta cook better!" I did not. I look away. "Kaiiiii." Jay says. He sighs and adds it in for me. "There, don't worry about it sweetie!" He says. 

When the pasta is finally done, I drain it. Jay tested the noodle to make sure it was good to eat for dinner. "Wow, the noodles are perfect!" Jay says. "I cooked noodles a lot when I was a child. Normally I bought sauce and stuff or just put butter and cheese on it because it was easiest to make." "Man, lucky Nya, this is perfect!" I smile. He didn't say anything about how unhealthy it was to do that for dinner. Other people had. Zane stood up and opened up the thing he was cooking the sauce in. "Ok, perfect!" Then he went over to the air fryer. "The chicken is done as well. Now all we need is Cole!" "Ugh, he's working out in the training room! I don't want to get him!" Jay complained. "I'll get him!" Lloyd said. It took Lloyd two minutes to get back. Zane had somehow served everyone up food at that point. Equal portions.... I squeezed the counter, knuckles turning white. "Kai, come on." Cole says, putting one of his hands on one on mine." "It smells good." 

Zane's POV: I couldn't help but study my dorm mates. They were all clicking in my mind. The puzzle made sense. I couldn't make sense of what Harumi and Morro said yet. Kai definitely had an eating disorder, Jay definitely wasn't the worst or a bad guy. Sure, he smoked, broke some rules, didn't yet control his powers 100%, but that was normal behavior for quite a lot of teenagers. He had a kind heart. He was kind to me, he was kind to the other dorm mates, he was beautiful inside and outside, he was like the sun dressed as the moon. Cole wasn't as intimating as I first thought. Sure, all the teachers but Wu were afraid of him, When he walked down a hall, people avoided him, the other students feared him, but he was like a big brother. Sure, he had a lip piercing, eyebrow piercing, tongue- just a bunch of piercings, he was jacked, had beautiful long hair, and was strong mentally and physically. Lloyd wasn't a villainous player who got in because he's Wu's nephew. Lloyd was a guy with a lot of love to give, good fashion sense, a sense of mystery to him, he was quiet but kind, he was cute. Kai, Kai probably was the cutest. Kai was seen as the guys who hated everyone. According to some other juniors, Kai never talked unless it was for school. He apparently bribed the teachers for his A-B average. I know that's not true, because he seems to be pretty intelligent. And he couldn't bribe the teachers. He isn't scary, he's shy, and he definitely has an eating disorder. A few of the kids said he does plastic surgery, but he probably had one that caused him to be so thin. 

Kai plays around with the food for a bit when we all sit down, but once Cole squeezed his shoulder, he took a bite, confirming my suspicions. He chewed slowly. Cole however ate medium speed. About the same pace as me. Jay and Lloyd basically inhaled their food. "Mmmm! Zane, do we have enough for seconds!?" He asked. "Oh, sure, serve yourself up!" I say. He scoops up a lot of pasta, chicken, and sauce. Lloyd gets an average amount. I thought Jay had gotten too much food, but he ate all of it. Kai finished his first plate as Jay was getting his thirds while Cole was getting seconds. "Jay, have some restraint." Cole said in his deep, mysterious, sexy voice... wait what was I thinking. I blush. "Kai, do you want seconds?" I ask. "Oh, uhm, I, uh...." he goes quiet. "You can say yes or no, you're allowed to." I tell him. "Only a little more, maybe half of a chicken... uh, if that's alright!" He says. The other guys look at him and are in shock as I pick up his plate and give him more. "Thank you." He says, eyes observing the ground beneath the barstool he's on. 

Eventually, we've all consumed our fill. "Damn, Zane, that was the best food ever! It was like a taste of home!" Jay says. "I'll say! It's amazing!" Lloyd said, now eating a chocolate bar. 

Kai was laughing with Cole. "You ate three plates, Lloyd!" "And you ate five plates Jay!" Kai starts and Cole continues. All four burst into laughter. I couldn't help but laugh with them. 

The four are pulled into a hug by Cole. "Come here, Zane!" he says. I join them. It feels nice, I feel protected. I like it. It's calming. 

We end up falling asleep like that. In the calming, protective hug.

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