Bound to falling in love

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All four of the boys were on the ground, with another boy on-top of them.

"Oh, sorry about that! I wasn't paying attention, and- and! Oh, I'm so sorry!" Jay laughed and stood up. "I see you have luggage. You must be our new roommate!" Jay said. Zane nodded. 

Zane was wearing a black hoodie, black doc martins, and some grey slacks. His nails were black and kept trim, and he had one piercing on his left ear, two on his right. 

"You three, come on, get off the floor and greet the new boy!" Jay said, extending his arm to his friends on the ground. 

Zane extended his arm to help Cole up, and Jay pulled Kai and Lloyd to their feet. Cole was blushing a little bit. 

Zane apologized again, Jay couldn't help himself from giggling. 

"Uh, uhm, your room is right here if you want to put your stuff in. We'll help you set up later!" Cole said. Zane smiled. The four left when Zane went to look around. "So Cole, you wanna talk about it?" Jay said, smirking. Cole pretended to be dumfounded. "Talk? About what? I'm not doing it!" Cole said. "Haha, sure, buddy. You're so slick." Jay said, turning his back to face and walk in-front of Cole. "I'm serious!" Cole said. 

Cole's POV: "Oh, Jay, watch out!" I said as Jay bumped into Brad, Sally, and Gene. Three freshman who'd climbed their way to be popular, despite being in the anti-power group. "Aw, if it isn't Lloyd and his squad of losers." Gene said, staring at his ex boyfriend. Lloyd was pretty well known in the school. Gene, Sally, and Brad had all dated Lloyd. Harumi, Morro, Blazey, and Akita as well. Lloyd happened to pull a lot of people. He was what you'd call a "successful" bisexual or something. Especially since many of the kids he'd dated were popular. "Oh, fuck off, Gene, imagine dating someone because you like their dad!" Lloyd said. Sally rolled her eyes. "Relax, Lloyd, You know that's not-" "Shut up, you're just sad I wouldn't fuck you." Lloyd said in reply to his girlfriend. "You changed a lot." Sally said "Where is the innocent, quiet boy who liked the color green? "where's the girl, who didn't fuck people for her own personal pleasure, dis other people for there clothing, the girl who was kind! What the hell happened to you! You didn't need to change to be popular! The people around you needed too!" Sally and Lloyd glared at each other. "Woah, children, stop it!" The principal, Master Wu, approached the kids and separated them. Sally rolled her eyes. "Let's go guys, before Lloyd's Uncle gets in the way." Sally sneered. "Principal Wu, we're sorry for that-" Jay started, "Ah, hello, Zane! So glad you're here! 

Zane probably just saved us. Boy, is he impressive. He smiles at Wu. "Thank you, sir, I am as well." kind too. What's not too like.

"Jay, I did call you this morning help Zane today, get back here!" He called. "Oh, yeah, sorry about that Sir..." he said. Zane walked over to Jay shyly. "I like your nails, cutie." Jay says. Dammit, that flirt. "So, Zane, right?" I ask "Uh, yes, affirmative." he replies. At this point, I probably look as red as Kai's neon-red nose ring

Third Person POV: The five stoped at the Freshman homeroom for Lloyd, the sophomore homeroom for Zane and Jay, Junior homeroom for Kai, and then Cole went to the senior homeroom. "hey, Skylor!" Cole said, taking a seat next to his friend. Skylor was the therapist friend. Skylor had EarPods in. Cole took one out of her ear and placed it in his own. "Hey, what the hell, Cole!" She said. "You were ignoring me, and you have good music taste. I wanna listen" Cole replied. Skylor looked at Cole, irritated while at the same time not giving a shit. "What?" Cole asked. 

After school and training, the five boys went back to the dorm room. "So, this is your room." Jay said. Showing Zane his place for sleep. "Oh, wow, before what happened at my last school, I was sharing sleeping quarters with one other person. These dorms are nice." Zane said. "Well, most people don't like the dorms, because of the black paint on the walls." Cole said. Zane smiled "I love the color black, also it's refreshing from white walls." All the boys are shocked to hear that. "Would you like help setting up your room? This guy weight lifts and shit, so if you want to move the bed and vanity, he'll help." Jay says "I like where they are right now, I think I'll be ok!" Zane said in reply. "Ok, then, we'll be in my room if you finish setting up, want to hang out, want to talk, or anything else!" Jay says. "Which is yours? Zane asks. Lloyd snorts "His is by the bathroom!"  And then he bursts into laughter. "Ok, thank you!" Zane says, smiling. 

The four who've already set their rooms up piled into Jay's room. Jay lit a cigarette. "Pass me one." Lloyd says. "Are you for real? What if we overwhelm Zane?" Cole says. "Oh, you're right!" Jay says, and he pulls out his phone. 

tap tap tap, tap tap tap, tap tap tap. 

"Done, he knows now!" "When did you get his number?" Kai asks. "During class, we had all of them together." "Wow, lucky!" Cole mutters. Kai giggles. "Wow, Cole, you like-like him?" Lloyd says. Cole looks away "I never said that!" "It's ok if you do baby!" Jay says, kissing Cole's cheek. 

"How did I get you guys in my life? What did I do to deserve you?" 

Lloyd takes a puff of his cigarette and breathes in his boyfriends face, then laughs. "Hey, you little nugget!" Cole says pulling Lloyd into a hug. All four laughing, hugging each other. 

there is a knock on the door. 

Jay screams. "Zane, you can come in!" Cole calls. At that, the icey boy went in the room. "Hello, roommates! I have finished the decor of my room!" Jay nodded. "I apologize as well for startling you, friend Jay." Jay smiled. "Don't worry about it. I'm sort of easily startled." "sort of?" Kai said in a cocky voice. Jay chuckled with an unamused tone. "At least I'm not scared of water and almost flunked one of the courses." He replied. "HEY! Why YOU! Jay!" Kai said, struggling to say a full sentence. 

Zane laughed. Cole blushed at that. "Want to hang out?" Jay asked, smiling at Zane. Zane nodded. "Sure!" 

Zane couldn't help but think of what happened when he'd gone to the bathroom that day. "Hey, new boy." A girl whispered. "What would you like?" Zane asked. "We want to talk!" A masculine sounding voice said. Two kids emerged from the hall. "What do you want?" Zane asked. "I'm Harumi, and I couldn't help but notice you were especially close with Jay. What's that about" She asked. "Oh, he's my dorm-mate and we have all of our classes and training together." Zane replied confused by her query. "Oh damn, you need to deal with all five of them and  with the worst of them all for the full day! I'm Morro!" The guy said. "I don't understand what you think is so wrong with them, could you further elaborate?" Zane replied. "Well, we can, but you should avoid them." Harumi said. "I'm not sure if you noticed, but that isn't exactly possible." Zane said. "I'm a Junior, and she's a Sophomore, you probably saw her in education classes." Zane nodded, but he didn't remember her in that outfit. Harumi changed her outfit into a purple and black outfit, put on make up, and looked like a different person. Almost like she was goth. Morro wore a moss green and black outfit, and that confused Zane. Most people trashed talked emos and goths for their styles, but if Zane didn't know better, they were Emo/Goth as well. "Aaaanyways.... Um, we better go, can't be seen associating with a freak... unless you change rooms! You'd be in mine most likely." Morro said. Zane had a bad feeling. He went into the restroom and stared at himself in the mirror. "Who are you guys?" Zane thought, looking at his face. Suddenly he started coughing. 

Zane fumbled in his bag and found his medicine. "I forgot to take it this morning..." Zane mumbled to himself before placing the heartburn medicine in his mouth and chugging water.  Zane didn't have heartburn though, he knew that much. The doctors didn't know what it was. Zane glared at the mirror and hunched over. Glaring at himself, he felt tears from in the back of his eyes. Zane thought of what Wu said to him on the phone when he'd transferred. He'd never felt happier. 

He walked back to training. Trying not to think of what Harumi and Morro said. He passed by the classroom for people without powers. Harumi was in there. Dodging, catching, and throwing knives. Woah! Those people were honestly cool, powers or not. 

"ZANE!" Jay called. Zane looked up. "I apologize, I was thinking." "Well, duh, if you were that lost in thought." Kai said. Zane stood up and started to walk out of the room. Coughing. "Woah, you ok, pretty boy?" Lloyd said. Zane, while flustered, nodded and said "It's almost dinner time, right? Would you like me to cook?" He says. Jay's eyes beamed "OMG! YES! YOU CAN COOK!?" Zane giggled. 

Kai was looking to the side. "Sure!" Lloyd said. Cole laughed "Of course!" He said. "Alright, come into the kitchen with me then!" Zane said. Jay jumped up to follow. Zane looked in the fridge and cringed. "You guys don't have any ingredients?" "Eh heh....None of us can cook..." "So what do you eat?!" Zane asked. "Microwaveable stuff, sandwiches, salads, yogurt... you know.... stuff you can make as a child at age seven unless you're Matilda from Roald Dhal's Book?" Zane laughed hearing the book reference. "Ok then, well, would you like to go to the store with me to pick stuff up? "Sure!" Jay said. He can't be as bad as Harumi and Morro said. 

Jay's POV: I can see why Cole is crushing over him, Zane is adorable, smart, strong, and caring. At the same time he has this mysterious vibe to him. It's..... hot~ 

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