Fear Foods

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Kai's POV: Jay has been bugging me about it all day. I look at the canister Siena gave me. 

I push my chair away from my desk and sigh, picking it up. I walk out the dorm room and call my dorm mates. "Guys, I have something to tell you!" I say, taking a deep breath. 

"Yesterday, there wasn't anything in the tin Siena gave me." they look at me. "So, uhm, you know how there are lots of food I'm still not comfortable eating?" I ask. They all nod, except for Lloyd who looks away. "So, uh, that's meant to be a fear food challenge, and it's almost like a game. I write down all my fear foods on slips of paper and choose a random one on days to eat." Lloyd then looks at me. "Do it." he mutters. 

He walks into the kitchen, grabs scissors, then into his room before coming out with some printer paper and sharpies. "Do it." he says, placing them on the coffee table. 

I smile. "You seem more excited for this than I do for myself." I say. Jay hands me a ruler and I make little lines on the paper, then cut out the slips. I open the bag holding the sharpies and grab an ultra-fine one. "Anything you guys think I should put?" I ask. 

They all smile. All four were willing to help me. "Yogurt." Cole says. "What?" I ask. "You occasionally eat it, but it takes a lot of pushing and you never eat it with anything in it. You only eat sugar free and only eat strawberry yogurt." I sigh and write down different flavored yogurt and sugary yogurt in one slot, then put sugary yogurt parfait in another. 

"Breaded chicken." Jay says. I sigh. Chicken Cutlets/Nuggets takes the third. I write down a few things on my own. Oil, sweet coffee, sweet tea, pizza, and mozzarella sticks all get their own slots. 

Jay takes a sharpie out and writes down lemonade. "What?" I ask.

 "I know you say it's not one, but you still always refuse it when I offer it to you. 

Zane writes down chocolate. I hate chocolate because it feels unhealthy. 

I then write down popcorn and Cole rights down shrimp. Hummus, Hard Salamibruschetta, cheese puffs, grilled cheese, and mayo all appear on there in Jay's handwriting. Lloyd writes danishes, brownies, and chocolate cake

Then, appears the scariest of them all. Eggs. I hate eggs. 23 in total so far. Some other things enter the list like jams and pudding. "What do you think about cream puffs?" Cole asks. I don't answer. They're strait sugar. Cole rights cream puffs down. 

Jay puts three more things down. Steak, meatballs and stir-fry all find a place on the list. 29. 

Lemon bars and coffee cake are put down by Cole. Lloyd looks into my eyes and kisses me. "Write down canned tuna." He says to Cole who nods. "Cookies!" "Cheese and Crackers!" "Nachos!" 

"Write down cannolis, croissants, and rainbow cookies!" Zane says. I can't stand this. I walk out of the room. I walk into the bathroom and collapse. I am unable to bring myself back up to my feet. 

"Hey Kai?" I turn my head. "You ok?" He hands me a banana and water. 

"You couldn't bring me spinach?" I ask. He shakes his head. I sigh and peel the banana. He nods his head yes and I take a bite. It's sweet. It's yummy. 

"You take your meds today?" He asks me. I shake my head. 

"You see, this is why we have to do this." He gives me the bottle of iron supplements. "You having anemia is only gonna make this worse. Siena told you that." "Tuna has too much salt and the pastries, I-" 

"Need to eat them eventually. You'll  eat one at a time. You ate the chicken parmesan, but we won't do that again. We won't throw, like, 4 at a time at you again" I rest into his chest. We hook pinkies. 

I must have fallen asleep there, because I wake up in Cole's bed while the others were watching a movie. "We wrote down 50 in total." Cole whispers. 

I cry. 

It's so bad!

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