Jay's not-okay Saturday

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Cole's POV: "Jay, Zane?" I call out. I let the green-flame sleep longer. I find the two on the balcony, talking and playing UNO. I worry that Jay smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, but in the ash tray, there is only two. "How long have you been out here?" I ask. "Since seven for me, oh, but Jay came out here six thirty." Zane tells me. It was nine o'clock now. I smile. "Uno!" Zane calls out. "Again!? I know we've only played Uno twice now, but you're the board game champion!" He complains, placing down a card. "Oh, you changed the color, nice!" Zane says. He picks up a card. "Blue, Uno, and Done!" Jay lays down. "Ugh!" "Jay, you're incredible though, you aren't that far off. If you weren't distracted you might be able to beat me!" Jay looks at him shocked. "Wait, you could tell?" I ask. "Well, yeah, when he's focused versus not focused it's easy to tell. Oh, sorry, is that weird?" He stutters out. "No, it's actually very impressive." Jay says. "I want to play mini golf right now!" He says, switching the topic unintentionally. "What, where did that come from!?" I ask. "Eh, nowhere, but let's do it at around 5-ish!" "That sounds fun!" Zane says. 

The three of us walk in on Lloyd and Kai still sleeping. We decide not to bother them until 12-ish. 

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

"Okay it is now noon, shall we awaken the two?" Zane asks. "Let's do it!" Jay says. Jay and I creep up to Lloyd and Kai with pillows. "Wake up!" Jay says, hitting Lloyd with the pillow he has while I hit Kai with one." "OW! Cole!" Kai complains. "MMMMMMmmmm" Lloyd angrily moans, then kicks Jay in the balls. "Ouch!" Jay says falling over, sounding less in pain than a normal guy would. "Serves you right for waking me up so early on a Saturday!" Lloyd says.  I start laughing. "What's so funny!?" Lloyd sneers. "It's actually noon!" I say. "Oh!" Lloyd says, blushing. "What would you guys like for Lunch?" Zane asks. "Mac'n'cheese!" Jay says excitedly. 

Jay's POV: Once we've all finished our mac'n'cheese, we decide to work on homework. I've already finished mine, so I guess I get to be alone with my thoughts until someone needs my help or wants me to keep them company or something. I decide to do a complicated make-up tutorial to keep myself busy, but I finish it within a half hour. Only one, we leave at 4:30. I pick out an outfit and get dressed. 1:07. I pace back and forth for a bit. 1:09..... Fuck. I'm caught up in my thoughts before I know it. I smoke three cigars. 1:15. I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth so it isn't apparent to Cole that I finished the pack just now. That's five cigars today. Cole hates when I do that. I try to draw a bit. I make a model of something to build with my dad- or Ed. FUCK! Why am I still thinking about it. I check the clock. 1:45. I make my bed, clean my room, organize my make-up by color, organize my closet by color, organize the photos in my photo-book by favorites, re-read my essay, but still nothing helps. I keep thinking of them. 2:15. At 2:30 I grab a knife from the kitchen to try and clear my mind that way. "What are you doing?" Cole asks me while I walk back to my room. "Oh, I was..." I think for a second. "Going to cut soap!" he chuckles. I grab an unopened bar of soap. I cut the whole thing after taking off my gloves, and by then it was only 2:45. I hold the knife to my arm. "Dammit! Why didn't I just tell him!" I mutter. And at that, Cole comes into my room. "Oh Cole, hey!" I say. Putting down the knife. "Do you need help on your homework?" I ask. "I know what you were about to do, what's up?" He asks. "I just can't take my mind off of something." I mutter. "Do you think you can help me with homework please? It'll give your brain something to occupy other than the thought in you head." "Ok, then!" I say, thank God! 

Cole's POV: Jay helps me with some of my work. Being in AP classes, he is able to proofread my essays, help me in Math, help me with science, but I like it most when he helps me with my guitar elective. 

We sit in my room, and he squints. "Hey, it is not that bad! You know I love the color orange!" He laughs. "The bedding, LED's, and some of my furniture is all that's orange, the walls are still black!" I say, pushing him down on my bed and tickling him. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" He says, still laughing. "What did you need help with again?" He asks. I hand him my math. "Well, what is so different about this one compared to #14?" He asks, knowing exactly what was wrong. "That!" I say pointing to the decimal point. "You've gotten better, but still haven't gotten over that fear of the decimal point, eh?" He asks. "I'll walk you through it." 

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