Fuck My Life

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Zane's POV: After most people had gone to bed, Lloyd stayed on the couch. "Jay, you need to meet with Wu about your... outburst... earlier." Cole had said. Jay had stormed off, then, the other three had gotten ready for bed. 

"Lloyd, you aren't going to sleep?" I ask. "Can I speak with you?" He asks. "Oh, sure." I say, joining him on the couch. "How did you escape?" He asks me. I lift up one of my hoodie sleeves. "Suicide. Your dad actually said I should go here so you could watch me." "o-oh." He says, lightly tracing the scars.

 "I'm not sure what he thinks I'm doing here. So, you're the 'legendary Ice Mannequin?' Wow, cool." He says. "Ugh, I hated that nickname." "I'm sure you did." Lloyd says. "I never thought I'd get to speak with you for anything other than business." I will admit, you looked pretty hot in the outfit they made you." "I know, I had so many people over me. I didn't like any of them." 

"I think I like 'Zane' more than the 'ice mannequin'." "Wanna go into my room?" He nods. 

"You're the 'weak junior'?" I ask him. "Yep, my oni powers are nowhere near as strong as my father's, but I found out from Wu these might just be a bonus power, so sucks to suck." He laughs.  "So, I'm the weak junior because I'm not as strong as my father, but how did you get the nickname ice mannequin?" He asks. "Eh, I had a perfect body according to most people and seemed inanimate. Like, Garmadon was controlling every movement. I mean, he kind of did." "I guess so. He controlled missions and shit but that was it." 

He rests his head on one of my shoulders. "Y'know, you'd think in a hero school, people wouldn't date me because of my father." "Who-" "The angry red head in glasses." "Oh!" I laugh. "You dated that kid?" He plugs his nose "I'm like an evil genius." We both laugh. 

"Sorry for not trusting you earlier." "It's fine. Took me a second as well, that's why I didn't want help with my room that first day. And, to be honest, I picked up on all the signs I saw. Kai had an eating disorder, Jay was putting everyone else first, you have autism." "Wait, huh?" "I tend to be overly observant. Uhm, I have autism as well."

Lloyd's POV: I look at him shocked. This is a brand new side to Zane. He's the sweet, ice cook with a dark side, not the depressed, autistic kid. I hug him. "You wanna know the reason I attempted. I was sick of it. I'm sick of killing people. I don't want to be the bad guy. And Jay's reaction made that not only increasingly apparent to me but obviously it left my conscience screaming."

"Yep, Jay does that!" Cole says, entering our room. "H-how much did you hear?" Zane asks. "Only the 'I don't want to be the bad guy' part and what was after." Zane sighs out of relief. "Why, what diabolical thing did you do? Burn Garmadon's food?" I laugh. 

"If you don't mind, Cole, I think you better check on Jay. I'm talking to Lloyd about something a little personal at the moment. "Oh, ok then. Well, I should talk to him. Hopefully he's calmed down. Have fun you two!" He says, giving us a wink before shutting the door. 

Cole's POV: What was that about? I've never seen the two of them talk before. They also kicked me out. Oh well, guess I better go talk to Jay. 

I knock on his door. "Jay, it's me! Can I come in, please? "Fuck it, fine, you can come in." He mumbles. I enter his room. "Where did you get more of these?" I ask him. He's smoking again. "Kept a secret stash." He says. "You tried so hard to quit, why did you give up." "Well, you know how Wu thinks I'm a ninja? He also has said 'ninja never quit'." He says, trying to make a joke about smoking. 

"Jay, that's not funny. It means you never give up on stuff that's hard. Now hand over all the boxes." "Ok, geese, party pooper." He hands me the box he took the box he used for the one he was currently smoking then he opens his drawer and then uses a mechanism I've seen before in an anime and hands me two more boxes. "Thank you, Light Yagami."I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "It was cool, I had to make it." He tells me, then shrugs. 

"You know there's nothing wrong with your emotions, right? You can feel what you need to feel and get it off your chest when you need to. Just tell me when something is bothering you... please." He sits down on his bed and I sit next to him. He snuggles close, nuzzling his face into me. 

We sit there like that for a while.

He loosens his grip on me, and while I think he may be about to cry or tell me something, he instead goes limp. I count. 60... that's one minute.... 120....180....240...300....342. He moves and then blinks. "How long was that?" He asks weakly. "342 seconds. Are you ok? That's the longest you've ever had one around me." "That's 5 minutes and 42 seconds, Cole." He shakes. 

He sits up and I hear his keyboard keys start clacking. I look at him, his hands have electricity around them. "When did you learn to do that?" I ask. "Cole, now isn't the time for that!" He shouts. He looks at his keyboard. "Shit! I don't have my emergency meds, I never needed them ever, so my parents have them!" He tenses up again. I begin counting. 242, 245.... more time passes.... 300, 360.... minute after minute passes. 721, 722, 723. "How long?" Jay asks. "723 seconds...." His eyes widen. "COLE! THAT- THAT'S TWELVE MINUTES!!!"

He heaves for a bit. "Call 911." He mutters. "What!?" I shout back. "Call 911." I sit still. "COLE! I'm serious! Please! A seizure shouldn't be longer than 5 minutes if you have them for like 2 minutes like I do! 10 minutes long means you need to get help no matter what!" I shake my head. "I'll call them then!" He says taking my phone and dialing. 

He puts the phone on speaker. "911, what's your emergency?" He has another one start. "Uh- hi, my-my boyfriend just had 2 seizures and he's currently having another one. "Does your boyfriend have anything that triggers seizures?" "Uh huh, he has epilepsy." "Ok, and how long were the first two?" She asks. "The first was nearly 6 minutes and the second was... uh.... twelve." I choke out, tears filling my eyes. "Ok, and where are you now?" She asks. "We're at Ninjago School of Protection, in the elements section of the dorms on the second floor, number 23. On Creation Boulevard, zip code 64652." "Ok, I'll send over an ambulance. Is he still having a seizure?" "Y-Yes." "Stay on the line until he stops.

 7 minutes and 38 seconds. "Cole?" He asks. "You're getting help, don't worry." I say, pulling him into a hug. He nods. 

Kai's POV: About 10 minutes later, I walk out of my dorm to a loud commotion. I was just going to fill up my water bottle but I walked into Wu coming in while being followed by doctors. "Cole, what is going on?" He asks. "Uh-" Jay starts having a seizure. Cole catches him. I count the seconds. I watch as he's put onto a stretcher. "This is his fourth." Cole tells Wu, breath shaking. "Has he ever had this many before?" Wu asks. "No, the most he's had like this is 2, and that was before his powers awakened in him. "No, he's had 5 before. 3 were in his sleep, 2 while he was awake. He's never had one for longer than four minutes." I tell them. 

"He had one for twelve minutes." Cole says. I gasp, dropping my water bottle. Cole picks it up and goes into the kitchen to fill it for me.

Wu stares. I'm wearing Zane's clothing right now, since he's the same size as me.. Wu shakes his head and looks back at me. "You haven't boughten more clothes yet?" He asks. I shake my head no. "I was gonna go with Jay, but he had that outburst earlier, then we went out for dinner and Cole had a breakdown, then Lloyd had a panic attack, and... well.... Jay just..." I stop, he'll know what I mean. 

"Well, I'll leave you boys now. I should inform Ed and Edna of this." He says, bowing before exiting the room. 

Jay's POV: I wake up in an ambulance. I sit up and look at the time. 10 minutes since the doctors arrived in the first place. I cry. "Fuck my life." I mutter. 

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