Christmas Party (lol, not me writing this in May)

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Zane's POV: Today is Christmas.... and everyone is sick. I feel like shit, and my head is pounding, but I have to get up. 

I finally push myself out of bed and walk into the bathroom, my head pounding. Lloyd's in there, sleeping on the ground. I feel his forehead, burning up. "Lloyd, uhm, can you wake up?" I ask, lightly shaking him. "Mmm. I feel like I chugged an entire thing of vodka." He mutters. I pull him to his feet. He falls into my arms. "Ahg. I see spots and my head hurts." "oh, dear, migraines are never fun." He nods, bringing his hand to his forehead. His head is burning up. "Good thing we don't have sch-" "Mail!" I hear. "So early? Normally he doesn't come until six pm..." 

Jay groans and walks out of his dorm, nose red and bags under his eyes. "Santa's bag and the other students gifts." He says, giving two huge bags to Jay. He drags them in. "Cole, Kai, get you asseh-" He starts coughing loudly. Cole comes out of his room, then Kai comes out of his own. 

"Ooo, that cough sounds bad." Cole says, voice raspy and almost gone. Kai unlocks his phone. "Is it good if I tell my sis I can't come to her party?" He asks. We all nod yes. "Ok." 

Cole sprawls out, taking up most of the couch and Kai sits on the remaining part. I look at our tree. It looks beautiful. Our presents for each other are under it, organized neatly. Jay sits on the floor, where Lloyd joins him and lays his head on his lap. Jay massages Lloyd's head. I bring cookies and hot chocolate into the room. I place it down, only for the most hacking cough to come out of my mouth. I have snot spewing out my nose. "Here!" Lloyd says, throwing a tissue packet into my hands. I blow my nose and quickly wipe the snot away. "Ew..." I mutter. 

"Who here has a fever?" Kai asks, suddenly upbeat. There's that gun-like thermometer on the table and I pick it up. Kai has a minor one, 100.1%, Cole 102.5%, Jay at 99.9% (feverish enough), Lloyd at 103.4%, and then I take mine, at a 100.3% fever. "All of us." I say. Kai laughs at that. "Don't mind him, he gets hysteria when he's sick." I giggle. 

"Anyways, maybe text your sister that all of us have fevers." He nods. "Hey Siri, text Nya we all have fevers" "Ok, texting Nya we all have fevers" He laughs. "Her voice is so funny!" "Jay, can you pass people presents?" I ask. "Oh, wait a second." Kai says, he opens the fire place and uses his powers to light it, then grabs everyone their stockings and hands them to them." "Perfect!" He says. He falls and says "nom"..... He's clearly delirious. 

"We should listen to music!" He starts blasting a song on his phone. 

"I was 12 and a half, The first time a boy called me fat, We were at a dance, My hair was down, Jason came and asked me out, As a joke and all his good friends laughed, I wonder if he ever thinks about that, Didn't know how to hate myself til I learned it from someone else, Didn't see what was wrong with me, Just lived in my body, Did my best to lose the weight, Hoping the hurt would go away, But damn skinny feels just the same, I'll always carry It in my body" He paused the song and cried. Then he laughed, hands igniting. As cold as I already was, I lit up my power to stop his hands flaming. Lloyd kicked him. "OW! What- oh, yeah, I'm sick... sorry 'bout that..." He says. "I don't know why I act like th-" 

He starts coughing then has mucus come up. I give him a tissue and he spits into it. 

"Let's just open gifts." Cole says. "Stockings." I correct. He snorts in a humorous way (not in a snorting snot way). "That's what I meant." 

"Let's open them in Age order! That means Lloyd, then Jay, then me, then Cole!" 

Lloyd opens his, quietly. "O-oh, candy." he chokes out, slowly losing his voice. "I'm sorry, I- I think I'm gonna throw up." He says, forcing him self up. He barely makes it to the toilet. There's puke all over the seat and he groans when he finishes. All the hot chocolate he's just had and the wonton soup we got for dinner last night comes up. "Wow, normally I'm the one puking." Kai says, then laughs....

I give Lloyd liquid pepto-bismol. "Sorry, I kinda ruined Christmas." he says. "No, you didn't." Cole says, placing a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "We're all sick if you haven't noticed." Jay chimes in, while wiping the toilet seat. Kai suddenly passes out.

Cole catches him. "Poor guy didn't sleep last night. He was throwing up everything from sickness... not his anorexia this time. That's probably making his hysteria worse." Cole scoops up Lloyd and carries both him and Kai back to the couch. 

We decide to postpone present opening. 

Kai wakes back up at noon and we decide to have a Christmas Party of our own. We start binging Christmas movies. He's still a little hysterical, but I make do with it, since now he's only laughing so hard he cries when he finds something funny in Elf. 

Two hours after we finish Home Alone 2, we hear a knock on the door. "Who wants to get it?" I ask, now on the couch buried in my boyfriend's... that still is so peculiar to say... and I guess Kai and I aren't official yet.... 

Cole is the only one not on the couch. "Ok..." 

He opens the door, and Nya Smith, Kai's sister, barges in. "Geese, you all look sick." She says. Kai rolls his eyes. "Tell me what you're doing here, Lloyd and I are-" Jay suddenly springs up from the couch and vomits his cookies. "I stand corrected. Lloyd, Jay, and I are all puking." "I'm here to feed my dumbass brother and his boyfriends." "Great." He grimaces. "I made you guys soup, got you guys some snacks on the BRAWT diet, and got you guys spa stuff." 

"BRAWT diet?" I ask. "Bananas, rice, apple sauce, water, and toast." I nod. "That's clever."Lloyd chimes in. She smiles at his comment. 

"Anyways, that was all I really came to do. My girls are also getting sick." "Really, which?" Kai asks. "Skylor and Akita are. PIXAL and I actually keep the place sanitized. Tox has been boycotting us though. Eh, she's not dating any of us though." 

Kai laughs with his sister, only for him to get a hacking cough. Nya smiles, and leaves patting Kai on the head. 

"A spa day sounds nice." Cole says, throwing a hoodie on. "Indeed, I believe it would be quite calming." I reply.

"Oooh, so there are under eye things, full face masks, bath bombs, bubble wash, and some nail polish!" Cole says. Jay returns from the bathroom, hair tied up. "You puke?" Kai asks. He nods. "Shame too, those cookies you made don't taste as good coming up." He says, looking at me. I laugh. 

We eventually all bathe, brush our hair for the first time in a week, eat a little bit (even the puking boys), and are all resting under face masks. Cole and Jay had headbands to keep the face masks out of our hair and we paint each other's nails. 

In the end, whether we still felt sick or not, we definitely looked better. Jay was taking pictures on his phone, Kai was showing off outfits, and we even started opening presents. 

Cole had made us all matching, knit, black sweaters, I made little bracelets for each of them I put in their stockings and then I embroidered the crystals on button ups for all of them. Lloyd had made different colored slime for each of us and got everyone candy, Jay bought everyone pairs of earrings he'd stuck in our stockings and then bought everyone gloves, and Kai had written a letter to everyone. 

It may not have been as impressive as the other's gifts, but those really caused a pang in my heart.

"Dear Zane, if there was a food you reminded me of, it would be mochi. Originally, I was too scared to even try a mochi, and I felt like I would somehow let you down. You accepted me for who I was and like me regardless of my mental health. I warmed up to you and I guess I eventually "tried" you. I found myself really liking who you were as a person, and you may have been mysterious, but once you "melted" into our group, you were soft and well, amazing. I know it's not impressive as a gift, but I didn't know what else to do for you and the guys. I wrote what I felt for them, and now I'm doing it for you. I was going to make you all trinkets with my 3D pens, but I ran out of them then got sick. You showed me I don't need to do big, grand things... you taught me to love myself as I love you. I love your food, I love your charm, I love the mystery to you. I don't care if I don't find out anything or even if you like-like me! I just love your presence! You were an amazing addition! I feel so much better now compared to the first day I met you as a person. You're one of my heroes! Thank you for being you. I love you."

A tear fell onto my page. "I love you too!" I say, putting my letter on the table. I cry and hug him. The others are also crying. "That was beautiful!" Jay says. "Screw the trinkets!" Cole says, embracing around all of us. 

"I love all of you." Kai whispers. "Merry Christmas." 

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