Discharge and Discontinued

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Kai's POV: After one week, the doctors deemed Jay secure enough to go home. We decided to go to the mall again, this time to buy dance clothes. Before we left, Ed and Edna decided to give us Jay's emergency meds. "Oh, before you guys leave us for good, can I talk to you?" I ask them. "Why of course, dear!" "Why, we'd love to talk!" Edna starts, her sentence, followed by Ed. 

"So, Jay does have memory issues." I tell them. "We know, sweetie. That's why we're so impressed by how capable he is, like, we figured he'd have so many issues because of it, but his classes are all easy for him." I nod. "Well, he forgot something in the mental hospital. Jay has ADHD as well." Ed nods. "We kinda figured, Epilepsy and ADHD have a strong connection." "Oh, I suppose it's more than that then, if you're still over here." I nod. "He also has Conduct Disorder which is still prominent today for him and Oppositional Defiant Disorder." "Now everything makes so much sense." Edna says shaking her head. "Anyways, we have a gift we made for him for when he gets back." She says, handing me a goodie bag. "Aw, I'm sure he'll love it." She smiles. "It was good talking to you, Kai, you look a lot better than the last time I saw you." She says, smiling. "You can blame your son for that." I say, smiling back at them. 

"Hey, Hot Rod, way to be late to the party." Cole says, when I enter the car. I scoff. "Haven't heard that since we started dating." I say, rolling my eyes. "Oh hush." He says, punching my arm. "I'm surprised you didn't leave me the middle seat and left me the passenger seat instead." I tell them. "I wanted to sit back here." Jay says. "And those two wanted to talk." I nod. I never thought Lloyd would get to Zane before I did.

I open Instagram. Nya and Skylor have both shared things on their stories. I grew up eating and doing the same things as Nya. We look so different. I look, I don't know saggy and old, fatter, weaker than she does.

I remember our days playing Counter Shot. We always tied. She and I should look the same, she's so much prettier, she's admired more by the other kids, she's happier, kinder, thinner."Kai are you ok?" Zane asks. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "You're crying." Zane says. He wipes a tear from my face. "Oh, I didn't realize I was crying." I say, trying to laugh. "What's up?" Jay asks, leaning forward and putting a hand on my shoulder. "You see right through me." I mumble. "Also, your parents got you this." I say handing him the bag. "Aw, they did? That's so sweet!" He says opening it. He smiles so wholesome.

I wish my parents would do that. Parents? Who even knows where the fuck they are. They left Nya and I by ourselves. Suddenly, my hand gets cold. "I didn't want you burning your clothing or the car." Zane says. I look at them. "Wha-" "Your hand lit up on fire, we didn't want anything burning, Zane used his powers. What's on your mind, Kai?" "Oh, n-nothing!" I say. Fuck my lying stutter.

 "OMG! They gave me hot chocolate K-Cups!" Jay says, too distracted by the hot chocolate box in his hands. He's surrounded by candies, hot chocolate, he has a package of amazon stickers, knitted gloves made of wool (his mom handmade for him) and of course, he's got a card from them. He's smiling so big while reading it. 

I cross my arms only to feel more snow on my hands. "AGAIN!?" I ask. Not sure if I'm angry or confused or sad about the loss of control. 

When we get back to the school, Jay skips in. "Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, they wanna give me a VNS finally." He rolls his eyes. "If I ever loose my powers, get thrown in prison with vengestone chains, or have to have my powers off at any time, they wanna make sure I won't die from a seizure." 

"May 19th" He says, pointing to the calendar. It's only November here. 236 days of school, 100 of those with Zane. August 1st to May 17th is our school year (with a Holiday break December 20 through January 5th)

To be honest, even though I'm happy for Jay, I'm so mad. How can he smile like this right now? How can he be happy with his body but I can't. How can he be ok eating candy but I can't. I grip my hair. Suddenly, I'm hit by ice again. "FUCKING SPINJITZU MASTER! WHAT!?" More snow. "Kai, are you sure you're ok?" Jay asks me. My hands ignite again. "I'm great! I'm fine! I- I-!" I'm not ok. I fall, more ice to my hands. I cry. "I'm not ok. Fine. I-I" I fall to my knees. I curl into a ball. Tears clouding my eyes. 

"I'm not ok. I miss them. I miss my parents, I miss being a kid, I missed you. I miss.... I miss being smaller." I continue crying. Jay encloses his arms around me. "You're perfect, baby. And, I'm sure we all wish we could be kids again." "I don't." Lloyd says. Jay chuckles. "Well, not everyone, but most people miss it." He continues. "I'm sure your parents wish the best for you, wherever you are, and I hope you aren't comparing yourself to Nya again, because she uh, she's a girl, and girls are supposed to look different, have different health things required, and um... she uh, she's meant to be a girl." He looks away. "Jay, is there something you're not telling us?" I ask. "No! No, I promise. I just don't know very much about girls." "Oh, ok." I say, cuddling into his embrace. Jay smiles. "I love you." He says. "I do as well." I say. 

Jay's POV: I don't know very much about girls. What a lie. Girl me is gone. Éclair is discontinued. 

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