The strongest can be weak.

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Kai's POV: I've watched my two strongest boyfriends break down. I sorta expected it from Jay, but Cole. "Hey, Cole, can you please tell us what happened?" I ask him, after he stays quiet when Lloyd asks. 

"I saw my ex." He mumbles. "WHAT!?" We all yell. 

No One's POV: He shakes again. "Buddy, calm down." Jay says, squeezing Cole's hand. "I didn't know you'd dated anyone other than us, what guy was it?" Lloyd asked. 

"Girl." Cole says. "Back before I realized I was gay, I dated Vania." "Wait, the Junior who's a princess?" Kai asks. Cole nods. I tried to break it up lightly since I didn't feel anything for her. I made her a basket full of some of her favorite things. Candy, plushies, orchids that were the color orange. She told me everything would be fine between us and told me she hoped I'd find a boyfriend. Her body guard didn't like that though. She got a new one afterwards, but he saw her crying during our breakup and he..." He pauses, chocking out the last words. "He broke into my father's house, hurt him, and burnt down his dance studio! I was so scared when he started teaching here, because, the last time I'd seen him, he was in the hospital, unconscious. Vania payed for the damage, but... I just, feel guilty." He starts crying again. "But from since then, I vowed to never ever hurt anyone like that again."

"Cole, it is very unwise to say you'd never hurt someone, there are accidents. Let's say you cause someone to fall during training using your earth punch, let's say it was one of us and now their hip is bruised. You'd then be blaming yourself for something out of your control." Zane says "You may look scary, but, in reality you're just a big teddy bear. You wouldn't hurt us, and I doubt you even hurt Vania, isn't she dating someone else?" Jay interrupts. "Also, let's not forget, Wu thinks you could be one of the prophesied ninja, you may have to hurt an enemy." Lloyd blurts out. 

"Well, one, when the fuck did you find that out?, and 2. Lloyd's got a point." Kai says. Cole chuckles sadly. "Cole, what if I'm having a breakdown and need you to slap me in the face to snap me out of it." Jay says. "Ok, ok, I get it, trying not to ever hurt someone is a little stupid." Cole sighs after saying that. "It's ok, Cole, but why did you run out of there?" "I never met the new body guard. It scares me. I feel weak." 

Cole's POV: "Everyone feels weak sometimes, dumbass." Lloyd says. "Hell, I feel weakest when I'm told something may happen. Like, the stupid ninja thing. I felt weak about that. Or, when I shut down! I'm the weakest person in this room, but I can still feel strong! You're the strongest person in the room, but here you are feeling weak!" He breathes hard. 

"A villain can feel like they're doing something good, a 'good guy' can do something bad. A vegetarian can have 'beef'. Everyone feels opposite sometimes!!!" Tears fill his eyes. "A plus size person can feel full after one plate, a thin bitch can feel hungry after the same plate the plus size person eats! Fucking expectations don't change anything! I CAN STILL FEEL EMOTIONS AND BE A GOOD PERSON DESPITE HAVING THE MOST EVIL MAN ALIVE AS A DAD!!!" He grabs his hair in his fists. He heaves. I stare, then scoop him up in my arms. 

He shakes. He lays in my lap, breathing unsteady. "Lloyd, what are three things around you that you can feel, hear, see or smell right now?" Jay asks. "The-the scent beads on Cole's j-jeans.... the- the couch, and- and- and my hair. He says, letting go of it. "Shhh." I breathe gently. 

He still struggles to breathe and shakes, hands around my waist now. "three more?" Jay says. "Cole's abbs, your voice, a-and Cole's shushes." He breathes easily now. I sit up, bringing him with me and rub circles on his back. 

"Sorry, I lashed out there." He mumbles. "It's ok, baby, you can't control those outburst." I mutter back. Jay sits next to us. 

"You brought up a good point though." I say. "What's that?" He asks. "The strongest can be weak."

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