Awful Afternoon

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No one's POV: Unfortunately, Jay's day didn't get any better. Cole spent an hour glaring at Camile during and it made Jay more uncomfortable than it did Camile. He felt like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

The others weren't much better. They did the same. Suddenly, Wu called brought out a bracket of battles he wanted to see fought. 

Jay's POV: I shake. We're doing one on one battles and I'm up against Zane. I've never seen Zane use his powers before, I just know he has them. I shoot a ball of lightning at him and suddenly there is an explosion. A cold sensation makes me shiver. I then shoot more, only to see Zane block it with a wall of ice. He's an ice elemental... 

an element that Wu's told us stories about. 

Darkness, Time, and Ice.

The evil elements.

Zane's element. 

I stare at him, flabbergasted. So does everyone else. I charge my powers up more than the last time, and only shoot half of what I'd started. Zane blocks it and I immediately shoot another one, causing him to get hit. He falls to the ground. I charge up my powers again only to be pulled out of the ring by 2 of my teachers. 

Cole's POV: "Bolobo, Nuero, what seems to be the problem?" Wu asks, walking over to us. "Jay believes that Zane could be evil, based on the story you told them of the ice elemental before Zane, the one who joined up with Garmadon." Zane stares at me. He backs away, shaking. Jay shakes. "Don't look in my head, fucker." Nuero and Bolobo both let go of him suddenly. "OW, FUCK!" Jay says, accidentally shocking himself with his powers. His eyes fill with tears and he runs out of the room. 

"Cole, do you think you could talk to him for me?" Wu asks. "Tell him I'd like to talk to him during home room as well." He tells me. I nod and walk out. 

The sight I walk into is concerning. He's smoking again. I see him take it out of his mouth, blow out the smoke, then he burns himself. He's crying out the biggest, saddest tears. "JAY!" I yell out at him. He shakes. I take the cigarette away from him. His arms have new cuts on them. 

"Dammit, why do you have to be as fast as lightning?" I joke. He doesn't look up at me. "c'mere." I say, pulling him into a hug. He sits there with me crying. We sit there for a while. 

"Jay, Zane's used his powers before." I tell him. "What, he has?" "Yes. I've even called him things like icey around you." I tell him. "Oh, I forgot... When did he use his powers?" Jay asks. "Wow, you were really out of it that night." I mumble. "He first used them in front of us after the health exams, but he used them on you and Kai that night you two got admitted. Jay, sweetie, please stop." "Stop what?" He asked, quietly. "Self harm! Stop smoking, cutting, burning yourself, and purposely electrocuting yourself. I can't loose any of you guys. And, please, stop jumping to conclusions like "Oh, Zane is evil since he has ice powers. We know he was raised by Garmadon's troops, but so was Lloyd. Those two are two out of four of the best things to happen to me, raised by villains or not." Jay visibly relaxes his body. "I love you." He says. "I love you as well." I say, placing a kiss on his mouth. 

Eventually the others come back. "I want to try a burger." Kai says. We look at him. "Well, get out of the sweaty training clothes and let's go to Five Guys!" 

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