Mental Hospital.

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Zane's POV: Lloyd, Cole and I get worried. We all go to Jay's room. I open it. The three of us are aghast. I freeze them. Lloyd is hiding in Cole. I've never seen him that fearful. "Have you two lost your minds!" Jay electrocutes himself to melt the ice. "Yes!" He screams. Kai melted the ice and dropped the knife. 

Lloyd pulls his phone of his pocket and types something. Minutes later, Principal Wu has come into the room with Nya. "Brother!" Nya screams, clutching Kai in her arms. She grabs Jay as well and brings the two into an embrace. 

"Shh, I know you're scared, Nephew." Principal Wu says, rubbing Lloyd's back. 

Eventually, the two calm down. They get into t-shirts, hoodies, and jeans. "I'm taking the Jay and Kai to a mental hospital. I feel it'll be best for them." he explains to us. We nod. "Make sure Lloyd doesn't do anything either. Luckily, he feels self harm is beneath him, but I know he smokes. His mother is ridiculously mad about it." 

No one's POV: Jay and Kai definitely didn't want to be getting out of the car Wu owned at 5:45 PM. They definitely didn't want to be getting out at the Ninjago City Mental Facility either. But they knew there was no point in fighting about it. 

"Hello there, I didn't expect to see you here, Wu!" A lady says. "I didn't either, but I'm here with two students who need help." The lady's eyes widen. "Aren't those two blue and red from the prophecy of the green ninja?" Wu looks at her, eyes wide. "If they are, they need help so they can do that." He tells her. The two weren't focusing on that at all, they were focused on their fear and holding hands, both trying not to cry. 

The two realized it was both their fault for they were in there. Their fight led to what both thought of as their incarceration. "We'll be ok." Jay said to Kai. Kai nodded, this time, he'd be in a different wing. He believed that have new therapists he wouldn't know or trust. The mental health facility in Ninjago city was big. 

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