author note 2

126 0 5

In the rewrite I'll be changing many things.

The starting point will still be the same episode 44 give or take.

My si/oc will still be John Doe however I'll be getting rid of the system and the story will be more cannon friendly, There will still be au elements of course aka no joker except for vigilantism and other things.

Replacing the system will be a simple ability upgrade to level 10, (Aura Manipulation) will become (Aura Master) and it will be able to copy up to 5 extra abilities permanently unless intentionally erased and amplify them by 1.5 in all 5 stats of power, speed, defense, recovery and trick, It will also be immune to aura manipulation not designated by the user, This includes outside foreign aura invading the body or mind and even the soul aka Claire's clairvoyance which means he still won't be able to copy mental abilities but neither will he be effected by them in return and Aura Sense will be 100 meters and he won't be able to copy an ability unless it's active and yes he can amp the amped stats as well as having access to their passives too.

Once I start I'll try and keep a release schedule of at least once a week.

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