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The future Emperor, their youngest brother, left the room as a servant called for him. Prince Wilbur immediately dashed beside his twin. "Techno? You there???" He asked, shaking him slightly. Technoblade lifted his head and his eyes gazed at Prince Wilbur's face full of worry. But the noise won't stop. He can barely hear Prince Wilbur asking if he was okay. He wants to reply, but he cannot comprehend what his twin had said.

Tommy hates you.

He doesn't want to be with you.

Hahahhaha. It's your fault anyways!


The Crown-prince is stuck in his own duties you idiots!

So he's picking his work over his family?

No he's not!!

Phil had time for his family.

Tommy is younger!

So what?


Chat's fighting each other. POG

Face the truth. Tommy doesn't want to be with Techno.



He probably hates him.

Why don't we just....

End him!

Kill him!












"TECHNO!" Prince Wilbur slapped his brother. Grabbing his full attention. "Sorry." Techno replied. His brother was probably worried that he was staring at him while ignoring him. But he couldn't hear him.

"Why can't you just let me help? Tell me what's wrong." Prince Wilbur asked in a worried and demanding tone. But Prince Technoblade didn't want anyone to worry about what's going on with him. He could handle it himself. "I don't want to worry you..." He replied. The voices took control earlier. He doesn't know what happened. What they did. The only thing he remembers is that his youngest brother came in, and then he walked out at the call of a servant. "Ok. Fine. Tell me why you said that to Tommy." He demands. But Technoblade doesn't know what happened. "Did what?" He asked, sounding as confused as ever. Prince Wilbur gave him a confused expression. "Do you really not know what you've done?" He asked quietly. He shook his head in response. "*Sigh* You just told him that he doesn't give time to hang out with us."

Techno was shocked. He knew he wouldn't say that. If anyone other than Phil knows the burden of a future Emperor/Emperor. It would be him. He himself was very close with his father. Knowing that every decision he makes is not for himself, but for others. He knows how busy they can be, how messy their sleep schedule could become. He knew all those. While Prince Wilbur was taking up the burden of taking care of a child, Prince Technoblade was taking care of his father. He knew both tasks were hard enough. But he wouldn't say that. He knew himself so much that he wouldn't say that. "What?" He whispered. He couldn't believe it.

What do we do? He knows.

Annoy him. Duh.

Anyways. Say "E" if you agree to kill Tommy!






What is wrong with you people???





Who's spamming???










"I don't know why you said that. Because we both know that he's going to be too busy. Because he's a kid taking up the throne." Wilbur trailed off. "I know. But I wasn't the one who said it." Technoblade replied. Wilbur stared at him with wide eyes. "But how? Those words came straight out your mouth-" he pointed out. 'That was true. But it was the voices' he wished to tell him. But he couldn't tell anyone about the voices. He could only trust Phil. And he doesn't want to worry his brothers. "I... Let's just say that I don't mean those stuff I said." He replied. Knowing that that wouldn't change a thing. "Ookaayy. Anyways, apologize to him the next time you see him. Because he could have took that hard." Prince Wilbur stated. Avoiding the chance that he could lengthen their conversation. "I'm going to my room." Technoblade stated and left. He sped walked towards his room. He doesn't want to have any interaction with anyone right now. He locked the door. And sat on his bed.

"Why can't you guys just shut up." He whispered.

Kill him!

He wouldn't be a problem anymore if you did that.

"He's my brother. I'm not going to do that."

Blood for the blood god?






"I don't want to do any of that. So I suggest you guys to shut up. Because no matter what you guys say, I would never do such a thing."

Kill him!

We want him dead

We all do!

Including you!

Let's use a dagger? An axe?

"They're really serious about this. Should I call Phil?" No. Phil needs to relax. I'll wait until he comes back. I should probably apologize to Tommy. But knowing that the voices took over earlier? It's too risky. They might do it again and hurt him. I promised mom that I wouldn't hurt him (physically). But will it be really my fault if the voice did it? Maybe in others eyes. But not my parents. F*ck. Why am I even thinking about this. I shouldn't think about this. I'd have to apologize immediately when I get a chance. Because after his coronation, he'll be busier that ever. He'll manage though. Because he's 'Big Man Tommy', as he said. He could handle anything. I just hope that he can actually handle anything that goes in his path. But the saying, "The role of the king is a lonely one to play" is appearing true and true. I've never seen Tommy showing a genuine smile ever since he took his father's duties. He became busier, exhausted, and quieter as time goes on. That doesn't even sound like Tommy at all. It sounds like a whole different person took over Tommy and threw away the old one. But I can't do anything about that. I have no such ability to stop it. I'll just have to deal with the change.

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Is that a POV were seeing?

This is your Author, E11a_N1c3, wishing you all an amazing day!

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