Part 7 Chapter 2

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Sorry Im late! I have things to do!
Hope you'll like this part.

Monday 27th may

I open my eyes.
I hear Bill's voice.
“wake up!
-oh hello.
-time for breakfast.
-yeah it doesn't look delicious but you have to eat!”
I nod with my eyes half open.
I try to get a bit up for eat. It doesn't hurt me! At all!
“BILL! it doesn't hurt me when I get up! It used to hurt but it doesn't now!
-oh that's cool. It means you're going to be healed soon!
-I've got to say that to the nurses.
-yeah but before u gotta eat!”
I start to eat.
Bill kept his promises, he said he will come to me everyday and today I opened my eyes and he was here waiting for me to wake up. So sweet...
“So how was our bed?
-pretty cool to sleep into it but not as pleasant as if you were with me. I miss sleeping with you.”
I blush. He's so cute, I would love to sleep with him.


A nurse comes to pick the food back.
“good morning y/n, did you sleep well?
-yeah! And when I get up for eating, it didn't hurt!
-oh that's nice! You're going to be healed.
-you know when could I go out?
-no I don't really know, you should see the doctor, he'll analyze you and maybe know when you can leave.
-i wanna come back to the guys and Bill.
-yeah I know, you will!”
The nurse closes the door.
Bill smiles at me.
“im sure you'll be out soon.
-i hope so..
-you just have to take your medecines.
-are y'all going to do a concert?
-not without you!
-but the fans are waiting!
- i Know but they don't want a concert without you! Without you it's empty.
-oh, this is sweet..”
He kisses my cheek. And gives me a sweet look.
“how are the guys?
-they're okay. They're just a bit worried cause I told them about the guy yesterday in the car, you remember?
-of course I do.. He's so scary.
-but he's nothing, no worries.
-yeah but how couldn't I be worried with all this shit that happened to us!
-i know. Calm down, it'll be okay. I'm sure.”
I give him a worry look. I'm not feeling okay but if he says it's nothing I should listen to him, I better calm down if I want to leave the hospital as soon as possible.
I don't want to worry cause it will make me feel bad and I'll not be healed. I have to be totally okay!
Bill and me are starting talking, we have so much things to say.


A nurse comes into my room.
“i talked at the doctor, he wants to see you today!
-oh! When?
-he told me you should come to him at 2pm.
-can bill come?
-yeah I think so.”
She leaves. I smile at bill.
“i don't wanna bother you while you're with the doctor!
- you gotta stay with me idiot!
-yeah but I'm scared he rejects me, you know everybody thinks I'm a killer.
-don't say silly things! You're innocent! And a lot of people thinks you're not a criminal.”
He smiles at me and comes to me, gives me some tender kisses.
It's so good to feel his lips back.
I missed all this.
While he's kissing me and cuddle me, we hear something from the TV.
We stop and watch the TV, it seems importent.
“Info alert.
A prisoner escaped from the prison.
We don't know anything from him, he has been in prison but he's not from Los Angeles, he went to our prison cause he has been arrested for a woman's murder.
After this, he confessed to the policemen, saying that he killed 5 women, we don't know if this is true or not. But he refused to give them other information about him.
The police investigated, but they didn't find anything from him. He's still a mystery.
We just know that he can be dangerous.
We only know his name, Christopher.
Here is a picture of him.
If one of you see him, you better call the police immediately cause he can be really dangerous, take care in the cities!”

I look at bill, he looks very stressed out.
“what's wrong??
-it's him!!” he doesn't say one more word.
What the fuck he's saying?
The TV is still talking.

“someone just told me that before he escaped the jail, he left a letter, he wrote “you will pay”, we can't know who he's talking about but he's really not good mentally. So please contact the police as soon as you see him.”

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