How Annoying Can You Be?! (~2~)

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You groaned getting up and saw a package by your door.

You hissed picking it up and almost toppled over until you... didn't fall?

Someone held your waist as you rubbed your eyes and stood up before looking up.

"Not ready are ya Nay?"

You rolled your eyes and yawned before saying, "Go away Saturo.."

He whines before you slam the door in his face.

You brush your teeth and change into your uniform.

You actually loved it.

You wore a black button up tucked in your black skirt that glistened darkish purple in the sunlight.

Over your top you had the uniform jacket that your kept open and flicked the first two buttons open, you needed to look snatched cuz your that bad bitch :)

You brushed your long silky black hair and clipped the front right side of your bangs up so they don't disturb you when your handling buisness. (I'm sorry if the appearance offended anyone I'm just including my OC but remember to choose whatever you feel like!)

You strap on your heels and un-plug your phone from the charger on the wall, and slipped it in your pocket.

You grabbed your keys and locked the door behind you before heading out.

You walked over farther in the hallway before looking up to the two boys sitting there arguing.

"Megumi! Itadori! Where's Saturo, don't tell me he's late.."

Both of them turned to look at you before you squished Megumi's cheek.

Itadori stuck his hands in his pockets before glaring at Megumi and scoffed.

You let go of the boy and storm over to the tall iddiot that walked over to you three.

You stuck a finger in his chest and looked him through his blindfold and said, "you said be ready by 10 and then you come by 10:30?  And I though I was late.." you keep a stern face looking up.

"Same as always.."
You scoff to yourself as he crosses his arms over his chest and stares down at you who was mumbling things to yourself and fuming like a little kid.

"Com'n I'm not thattt late princess."

You raised your brow at the nickname and gagged before turning around.

You walked through the hallway and slammed the elevator button as the two students followed you in a hurry.

You huffed and stormed in the lift as Megumi and Itadori stood to the left of you and the white haired paintbrush looking took his time slowly walking over.

You rolled you eyes as Megumi sighed and Itadori just looked at you with concerned eyes.

He whispered something to Megumi and the boy replied with, "she can get a bit worked up..."

You glared at the two as he finally made it and you slammed the buttons to get you to whatever damn floor you were assigned to head to.

Which you had no clue to.

You looked at the two students and they both shrugged.

You pinched the bridge if you nose before rolling your eyes and turning to Gojo.

"What damn floor are we going to Saturo?"

You cross your arms over your chest and look away with a hmph as he laughs and pressed the first floor.

Seriously Satoru?!Where stories live. Discover now