Everything? (~34~)

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You gasped looked up at a slurred and half-conscious Saturo.

His face was full of hate and growing anger. His eyes didn't once meet your gaze as he turned around and almost stumbled walking out of the room.

You were speechless. The 'big shot star'(ur photo shoot partner) started screaming at the top of his lungs and turned to you with anger.

You glared at him with fury and then at boss before storming out the room.

"Get someone else to advertise your stupid company outfits." You spat the your partner before letting the sound of your heels drag the silence.

The boss ran after you in a hurry before you slammed the door in his face and rushed down the stairs in a hurry to look for Saturo.

You turned the corner with a huff.

The sound of your steps within your wall was the only thing that echoed through the hallways.

You glanced at the lobby stand where you guys entered and received the ID for your room.

At this point you heart was in your head, your thoughts were all jumbled up, you didn't know what to think or say.

It made you feel scared for the first time in a while.

The feeling of him not there was gonna be the end of you..

You heard a hiccup and looked down the hall.

Saturo was stumbling around the corridors mumbling to himself.

You eyes filled with worry as you rushed over.

You turned him around and held his handsome face in your palms.

"Hey Saturo it's me."

You'd said softly as he peered down his glasses and his body instantly melted into your arms.

He repeated your name in mumbled a couple of times, something was wrong.

"Satoru?" You grabbed his face and made him look at you.

He hummed but not in the right state of mind.

You heart raced as you patted his chest. Your right hand held his jaw softly as the other patted his shoulder lightly.

He hiccuped and stumbled before you sat down and let his head rest on your lap.

"What happened, what going on?" Your breath was hitched as nothing but worry crossed your face.

You felt his forehead frantically and it was a bit warm.

He pointed down the hall to the elavator and hiccuped.

"H-he gave *hiccup* me a d-drink.." you listened carefully.
You immediately snapped your head towards the elavator and realized he was taking about upstairs, during the shoot.

"Who? Baby, talk to me.", you said.The only thing in your head was fury. His closed his eyes and leaned into your arms.

Damn it.

He passed out. You dialed Ichiji's number and asked him to come pick up Satoru.

You kissed his cheek softly before you're eyes flamed with rage. You held his hand tugging him up.

"Darling work with me, can I have your keys?" You searched his pockets as he stumbled to stand up right.

You found them in his fine polished keys in his pocket while rushing to keep him protected while you felt with the mess.

You gently placed him in the back seats laid down and draped your tiny sweater on top of him.

"I'll be right back." You said softly praying he'd be okay until we got back to the dorms.

Seriously Satoru?!Where stories live. Discover now