Has It Changed? (~9~)

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You woke up with pain shooting across your whole body. Feeling cold sweat on yo ur face you tried sitting up.

You felt your heartbeat in your head and you weren't breathing right.

You tried to take steady breaths but couldn't even get up.

Your arms were laid next to you and you couldn't feel them.

You struggled to sit up but pushed up with you legs.

You heard some steps and relieving voice.

"Ah your awake Nay.."

She held your back to lean you against the back board of the table.

You coughed a couple of times before saying, "How's Yuuji?! And go about Gojo? How are they?"

You voice croaked as you opened your right eye and looked over your body.

She slowly opened your bandages before patting your thigh, "Don't worry, everyone except you is fine."

You smiled at her remark as she took a cotton swab and dabbed it on your left eyes.

The cut on it didn't hurt as much but stringed as you slowly fluttered your other eyes open.

She rebandaged your wounds before saying, "Lover boy was really stressed out last night. He texted me pretty early this morning to check on you. He'll be over with lunch."

You raised your brow as she put some ointment on your burn marks around your legs.

"What time is now?"

"It's 12:06 you've been knocked out since 8pm last night."

You sighed hearing you've been so lifeless for the past 16 hours.

You groaned as she slid her cold fingers through your legs to make sure everything was steady and looking healthy.

"Already looking a lot better Nay.. but since the explosion hit your vitals in your heart, you won't be able to move your arms easily."

She wiggled your fingers as you nodded.
"Can your move your right pointer finger?"

You looked down and struggled before you felt a tingling sensation and surprisingly, it moved.

"Good! Your right hand may cover a lot quicker than your left since that is the nerve system that got hit with more impact."

She stretched out your fingers slightly so nothing was crammed up.

Before she headed back over to her desk, she gave a kiss on the forehead which made you squeal.

"You used to always do that to us. Ever since high school.."

She said before sorting a few stacks of papers.

You looked back into your memories and giggled realizing you did.

You always used to lay a small peck of the person's left side on their forehead, no matter the circumstances.

You laughed before saying, "before she died she used to always give me one every night, I miss it now so I decided to return the favor and give it to others."

Your laughed faded on to a faint smile as your looked dazed.

You then shook your head and glanced down at your clothes.

"Black sweats and a white T? Okay style.. not bad.. who's are these anyways?"

You asked scanning your outfit close.

"Your husbands."




Seriously Satoru?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن