Imma Miss Ya (~13~)

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Rubbing your eyes, you felt some shuffling behind you and turned to see what it was.

You peeked one eye open, ever so slightly and saw Gojo crawl out of bed before almost standing up.

You groaned and immediately took your left arm that slung to your side and pulled him down by his bicep.

You then wrapped BOTH now working (non paralyzed) arms around his and whispered, "5 more minutes.."

He slightly chuckled before raising a brow, "I must be that nice to cuddle huh princess~"

You hummed in response as he laughed once again.

"Even for your to move both your arms?"

You eyes slowly cracked open as you blinked sleepily a few times before whispering, "huh?"

He turned to you and ran your hair through his slender fingers behind your ear.

"Good job your slowly recovering better and better by day!"

He said enthusiastically as you let go of him and then stared down at your hands.

You curled your right hand fingers into a fist and didn't struggle with it, then tried the left.

There was a little trouble but you could move pretty steadily.

He sat up as you admired his macular arm and his toned abs through the tight white tank top, his sharp jawline and messy hair that lay above his treasure-ful eyes.

It was honestly so memorizing and you can't believe you feel this way for a douchebag like him.

You rolled your eyes as he said, "Come on up up. I need a check your blood flow before I get ready to go princess."

You smiled to yourself at the nickname that you have quite grown to like before sitting up with his keeping his palm on your back.

His touch sent butterflies in your stomach and you rubbed your eyes to cover your flustered face.

He rubbed your back and gave you a glass of water before leaning over to the shelf and grabbing the blood pressure machine.

You drank the water before watching his gently strap the pump on before turning it on as it recorded your heartbeat and blood flow.

You stared at him the whole time.

His messy hair in his crystal eyes set your heart on fire.

He chuckled taking the strap off before holding you right hand, helping you out of bed.

"Your blood flow is steady and way better since we last checked, well done, but your heart beat is very fast, care to explain why?"
He crossed his arm over his chest and his eyes travel down your body.

You instantly stammer, "it's a little hot in here that's all-"

You slap his hand away as your stumble to stand up, "Shit. My knees feel weak."

"Come on let's get you in bed." He say holding your back steady. You push his hands away and glare at him babying you.

You try standing up again and put your hands on your hips before smirking at him.
"Look I'm fine now let's-"

You take a step and hold yourself as you feel a small limp as you walked.

He sighed behind you before you get swept off your feet and gently placed back in the bed.

He tucks the blanket over you before you glare, "I'm not a child you know! I can take care of myself thanks.."

He looked as you hissed sarcastically at him and let out a low chuckle.

Seriously Satoru?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant