Come Back, Please (~14~)

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Gojo's POV-

I heard her voice crack in middle of the sentence as she finished packing my bag.

I watch her face change, I don't understand why, so I just ignore it before giving her a warm smile before grabbing the bags and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Her eyes lit up as my lips met her skin and I ranted a little on how Megumi will be over and to stay safe.

She rolls her eyes at me but her face doesn't change. I don't know if she's trying to cover up or anything but she kept a strait face as I gave a faint smile and gently closed the door behind me.

I firmly grabbed my bag and realized something hurt, I don't know why.

I miss her already.

I ignored these thoughts cuz she doesn't think of me like that, and probably thinks I'm annoying, cuz I can be sometimes... but I mean, I'm the best of the best, who doesn't like me?

The cab comes over as I greet Ijichi.

"What's with the cold face Gojo-San?"

He questioned as I set my bag near me and felt the engine start.

I stared out the window before smiling to cover up and enthusiastically said, "What do you mean? I'm wonderful!"

"Alright just checking! We're gonna pick up some gas on the way to the airport, is that okay?"

"Yeah totally!"

He glanced as me as I turned up some music and tried to vibe with it.

I had to ignore the fact I missed her. It shouldn't impact me this much.. but it did.


We got gas and Ijichi dropped me off at the airport where I soon boarded the aircraft.

As I sat in seat and rolled it back before slipping out my phone the last few minutes before the airplane had took lift.

I opened it before scrolling to Nayali's contacts.

Italics is Gojo, Bold is you 👍

                    Contact: Princess <3

I'm here and the planes about to set flight, how's it going sweets?

Took you long enough to text me, I hate you

Come on don't be like that Nay, I miss you a lot, I had to get my mind of you

Princess<3 is typing...

Well I don't miss guy anymore don't text me.

Love please don't be angry you know I miss you more then anything.


I would've took you with me if it wasn't for your injuries.
Read at 11:43 am.


No response, I punch the bridge of my nose before calling her.

Didn't pick up the first call. Didn't pick up the second. Damn it why do I even care so much in the first place.

I awaiting anxiously on the third call to hear her voice. I wanna know she was alright, desperately. I can't believe I just said I'm desperate for someone, tch, she better me for me too.

I was relieved at I heard a, "Hello?"

"Don't be like that, I love you a lot."

"Oh so now you care after you left for the past 2 and half hours and didn't wanna even let me know anything at all? Alright Saturo."

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