S1, EP. 5: The Tell

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A/N: And now we have Stiles-Golden Retriever Boyfriend and Little Slayer-Black Cat Girlfriend (slightly posessive)! And should I bring in any monsters from Buffy, I wanna bring in the Hush Men from the College seasons, not too sure yet! Another thing, Y/N is always wearing the bomber jacket unless otherwise mentioned.

A/N: This episode had A LOT going on, so if it's longer than before, I blame the episode lol

~ 1 Day Ago ~

"You kissed!" Scott shouted over video chat.

"I know!" Stiles shouted back, disbelief that Y/N had kissed him. "I was for sure thinking she was going to reject me, but then she kissed me, dude."

"Well, what now, huh?" Scott said, happy for his friend. "You guys going out, what?"

"This weekend", Stiles said, "can you actually believe it? Her! She likes me back!"

Scott couldn't help but smile at his best friend's new found relationship.

~  Present Time With Y/N ~

Apparently, movie night for her and her dad was going to have to wait because she was face-to-face with it: the Alpha. Jackson was pinned under a display case, breathing heavily as Y/N locked eyes with the Alpha, it's red eyes filled with bloodlust as it ran towards her. Y/N braced herself as it flew into her, knocking her back before she managed to knee it in the stomach and dug her thumbs in its eyes. Once it back away enough, she kicked its face before she cried out, feeling it chop its teeth around her ankle; she kicked at it again in the muzzle with her good foot, it let her go and leaped towards Jackson, she watched as it hovered over him, pulling the back of his jacket down, sniffing the back of his neck before it ran, bursting through the windows of the store.

Now, she sat in one ambulance, her dad having sped here and she saw Sheriff Stilinski pull up, noting that Stiles was in the passenger seat.

"You're going to need to go to the hospital for a X-ray, rabies shot and stitches", the paramedic said.

"What the hell happened?" her dad, D/N, asked, she shrugged.

She heard Jackson arguing with his paramedic as Stiles left the police car, beelining straight towards her as her dad went to talk to the Sheriff quickly.

"What happened?" Stiles asked, hands coming to grasp her cheeks. "I thought you were going to hang out with your dad?"

"Well, he asked me to go rent some movies and yeah... found the worker dead and had the tingle thing, and next thing I know, Jackson walks and I'm fighting this Alpha thing", Y/N said with a breath.

Her ankle was hurting, but the paramedics gave her some strong painkillers, so she was pretty happy for now.

"And your foot?" Stiles asked, moving to gently grab her hand.

His thumb ran over the back of her hand.

Since they had kissed, Stiles had upped the affection, Y/N quickly got the idea that his love language was touch... not that she minded, Y/N found herself wanting it despite all her best efforts of not, which Stark found really funny when he had found Stiles all over her in the library.

"It bite me", Y/N said with a shrug. "No worries though, Slayers have immunity to these things, so I'm not going to turn or anything."

Stiles looked at her and shook his head.

Suddenly, she felt a shiver as Stiles became distracted by the body of the employee being wheeled out. She looked around at the roof tops, seeing Derek and Scott on top of the building, watching them.

Y/N the Vampire Slayer (Stiles Stilinski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now