CH. 3: Meeting the parents

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

Well I feel like shit. That's how I would describe my morning.

I woke up to my alarm, and I got up to shut it off. I then went back to sleep. Then my alarm went off again. I couldn't stop it, so I just got up to start the day. As I got ready, the rest of my team soon woke up. They got out of the room, and got themselves ready.

All of us were in the living room. Rachel and I were making some breakfast for everyone. While cooking, we heard someone knocking on our door. Skully got up and answered it. The person who knocked was Ruby. We expected the normal greeting from her, instead she ran inside and slammed the door. She was acting quite frantic, so Rachel asked if she was alright.

Rachel: Hey Ruby, you alright?

Ruby: Huh? Yeah! I'm alright! Why do you ask?

Rachel: Because you look a little shooken up.

Ruby: Oh, that's because I was running away from Yang.

Tron: Why were you running from her?

Ruby: She wouldn't stop teasing me.

Tron: Stop teasing you about what?

Ruby:*embarrassed* SomethingthatIdontwanttotalkabout.

KILLER: *playing smash bros* That's a mouthful. Speaking of mouthful: when's the breakfast ready?

Tron: It'll be ready soon. Just wait for a few more minutes.

Ruby: So what are you guys doing?

Skully: As of right now: nothing. We have nothing planned to do.

Ruby: What about looking for the INNER DEMONS?

Bot: *playing smash bros* We've been looking for those bastards for awhile. We've got nothing new to search for. *Wins the match* Checkmate.

KILLER: God damnit! I used my best character, and I still lost to you!

Bot: Your Captain Falcon was no match for Steve. Also, you completely ran into my final smash.

KILLER: I want a rematch!

Bot: Alright, but whoever loses has to do the others chores.


As those two goofballs were killing each other, Rachel and I finished making breakfast. Both of us set the food, and the others went to eat. Ruby got some breakfast as well. Rachel called for KILLER and Bot to join, but they were still killing each other.

All of us were eating, and I saw Ruby looking at Skully eating his food. Skully also noticed, and asked Ruby what she's staring at.

Skully: Whatcha staring at, Little Red?

Ruby: How are you able to eat, if you don't have a stomach? Doesn't it just spill out?

Nightmare: *annoyed* Not another of this "Sans eating" question.

Ruby: *to Nightmare* How are you eating too? Shouldn't you take off your helmet?

Nightmare: I managed to eat through my helmet.

Ruby: How?

Nightmare: Like this. *Opens the mouthplate* That's how I do it.

Ruby: *Ruby.exe stopped working*

Tron: It's best to not question this group of ours. Just go with the flow.

As we were eating, someone was knocking on the door. Afterwards, Ruby hid under the table. All of us knew that it was probably Yang. I got up and answered the door. Just as we predicted, Yang was in front of me. She greeted with a flirt.

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