CH.17: Ready for another round

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*Scourge's P.O.V.*

For the past few weeks, I've been helping my brothers and the people they're working with. The first time meeting them was an experience.

*Flashback to the "It's Time" chapter*

After looking back at the world, I was the last one to enter the portal. Once entering, I immediately felt the darkness that it held. This made me feel more powerful than before, and I loved it. I noticed that the others saw me reacting to the world.

I just gave them a big toothy grin. Afterwards, we entered a big castle, and this place was huge. I could notice the many negativity and darkness it held. Psychopath notices my reaction to the place, so he walks towards me.

Psychopath: I can see that you're taking all of the negativity that this place holds. How does it feel?

Scourge: It's intoxicating, and it's the perfect place to feed off of.

Psychopath: Good. Now, I'm going to gather everyone to the throne room, so I can introduce you to them.

Scourge: Excellent.

Psychopath and the rest left to gather whoever they were working with. I was all alone, and I left to explore the outside. It was all sinister and beautiful to see. My kind of world to be in. I felt that I belonged in this world, and I love every single thing that I can feel.

My time of being alone has soon ended, as Psychopath called me to come back to the castle. I transported back to the castle, and I saw the rest of my brothers and the people they work with. However, they didn't see me, so I hid in the shadows. Psychopath then began to talk to them

Mercury: Why are we here, Psychopath?

Psychopath: Because I have some news for you all to hear.

Watts: And what is that to be exact?

Psychopath: You see, we have collected about 20 shards in Vale. This is a big step to our plan, but we had to complete one plan that we've been scheming.

Emerald: And what is this plan before your big one?

Psychopath: We needed to free someone that we know, and we needed a certain amount of shards to free them. We have, and he is now here with us. Come out now.

That was my cue, so I did my sinister laugh and I came out of the shadows. Once there, I saw the people's reaction to me, and it was funny to see it.

Scourge: Hello there. My name is Scourge, and I'm the first INNER DEMON.

Mercury: Then why do you look like Nightmare?

Scourge: Oh, you mean my other half? *Sinisterly chuckles* Well, he actually looks like me instead of the other way.

Cinder: If you're the first INNER DEMON, then where have you been?

Scourge: I've been trapped in Tron's mind for years now, and with the power of the shards I was able to free myself. And I am now here, walking amongst you all.

Cinder: So are you going to take your place as leader again?

Scourge: No, I'm letting Psychopath complete his mission/work, and I will be here to help him with any way that he orders me to do.

Psychopath: Thank you, Scourge.

From there, I was a vital asset to helping them. With me easily getting the resources via my shadows, we were able to retrieve what we needed. And throughout my time with them, I got to meet more of their partners, and some of them were hard to tolerate *ahem* Adam.

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