CH. 9: An INNtEResting origin

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*Nightmare's P.O.V.*

Nightmare: I'm an INNER DEMON.

RWBY/JNPR: What?!?

Judging from their reaction, this wasn't a good thing to hear. Just then, Yang ran straight towards me, but I dodged her by going to Jaune's shadow. He brought his sword, and he nearly stabbed me. I grabbed his sword, and I threw it to the other side.

Before the others could bring out their weapons, Pyrrha used her semblance to pick them up. The teams tried to have her give them back, but she refused to listen to them. I saw the sincere in her eyes, and I knew that she didn't want to fight me.

Weiss: What's wrong with you?!? He's an INNER DEMON, so we have to stop him!!

Pyrrha: I won't let you harm our friend! He hasn't harmed us, and we shouldn't either. Let's just hear his explanation first.

Nora: Fine, but any funny moves, and I'll break his legs!

Nightmare: You can't do that.

Nora: Why's that?

Nightmare: I can just go to my shadow form, and you wouldn't even harm me. Regardless, none of you can't.

Rachel: Nightmare, now's not a good time. Just explain to them.

Nightmare: Sorry. *Clears throat* You see, I am an INNER DEMON.

Yang: We know that, so just get to the point.

Nightmare: Do you remember when Rachel told you about Killer?

Ruby: Yeah.

Nightmare: Well, she didn't tell you the full story. *Grabs Tron's helmet* This is what happened. *Helmet projects memories*

Nightmare: Once the team put Killer in that machine, it saved Tron, but it created something else. When Tron was put to that machine, it did not just only separated him from Killer. The machine also separated Killer from his body.

Ren: What do you mean?

Nightmare: Killer was separated from his body, meaning that he was trapped in Tron's mind. His body, on the other hand, was separated as well. That meant that his body has its own consciousness. That half of him is me.

Nightmare: When I was separated, I turned around and looked at my surroundings. That was when I saw Tron and his team. Tron tried to approach me in a friendly manner. I was scared at first, so I ran off. He tried to follow me, but his team stopped him from doing so.

Nightmare: From there, I was on my own. My first experience with the real world. It was a whole can of worms for me. I didn't know what to do, and the people weren't that nice to me. I wondered throughout the city, and it was an experience that I still remember. My whole experience was soon put down, as I saw myself in a window.

Nightmare: I was a blank slate, a little shadow that hasn't been formed yet. I didn't know what I was, but that was until saw the news. It showed Tron saving people, but it also showed Killer commiting crimes. I looked at the window, and I started to change to something else. I looked at myself, I looked more like Killer, but I also looked like Tron.

Nightmare: Anyways, people started to scream, and they were calling me a monster. Then others started to surround me, I was feeling scared. I tried to ask them to leave me alone, but they wouldn't budge. Suddenly, I snapped and I pushed them away from me. Everyone stared at me, to which I began to run away. I found an abandoned factory, and I just hid there.

Nightmare: Days went by, so I left that place and wondered off. It didn't go well. I was running away from the people, but some of them were attacking me. I was getting rage full, so I attacked them. They all feared me, so they ran off. That's when I recovered some of my memories, so I went off. This is where my story begins.

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