CH.27: One Shall Stand, and One Shall Fall

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

It's been a week since Reaper decided to help us stop the DEMONS. Around this time, the Vytal Tournament is soon coming, so Beacon has this carnival type thing they have before the tournament. It's been fun, but it does make it hard for me to forget what'll happen during the tournament.

Right now, I was with Ruby and Blake, as they wanted to play some of the rigged throwing games. Once there, we were given three balls, and we had to hit the bottles down. Ruby was the first to throw the ball, but she soon missed. Blake was next, and she was closer to knocking the bottles down. Lastly, it was my turn, so activated my arm cannon and shot all the bottles.

Afterwards, I won the rigged game, and the guy gave me two Grimm plushies. I gave the plushies to Ruby and Blake.

Tron: These are for you two.

The two of them were shocked by what I did.

Tron: Heh, why so surprised?

Ruby: You just blew up the game with your weapon!

Tron: To be honest, that game was rigged from the start. Also, I just wanted to recreate a scene from a movie.

Bot: *from afar* We get it!! Stop with the movie references!!!

We turned around and saw Bot looking mad at me. KILLER then grabs Bot and takes him somewhere far from us. Afterwards, we went to enjoy our day before the tournament starts for tomorrow.

*3rd P.O.V.*

As everyone was having a nice time before the tournament, the DEMONS were preparing for the main event. Psychopath was with Roman, and was seeing if they have enough Grimm for attacking the tournament.

Psychopath: Roman, report.

Roman: Well, the White Fang are putting the Grimm in those containments you created, and putting them in those hidden areas for them come out of.

Psychopath: Anything else?

Roman: Adam has been doing what you ordered him to do. He's been using those shard dusts to amp up the mutated Grimm.

Psychopath: Good. Make sure there aren't any problems during the process.

Roman: Yes sir.

Psychopath was going to take his leave, but he was stopped by Roman's question.

Roman: Why can't you just take the shards while The Defenders are distracted in the tournament? This whole ambush is all useless and waisting resources for us.

Psychopath: You dare question my plans? *Activates his arm blades* I can't just take it while they're at the tournament.

Roman: *scared* And why's that?

Psychopath: Tron is already suspecting something what my brothers and I are planning. And for him to see that the last shards are gone will have him hunt us down, and possibly kill us before our plan is complete.

Roman was scared, and didn't say anything else about the plan. Psychopath retracts his blade, and goes to see his creations. After leaving Roman, the crime boss's partner comes in to the room.

Roman: Oh, hi Neo.

Neo: What did Psychopath say?

Roman: He is going to check if the Grimm are ready for the attack tomorrow. Speaking of that, you going with Cinder and the others?

Neo nods.

Roman: Good, but make sure to not attract any attention to yourself.

Neo gives Roman a thumbs up. Afterwards, she then goes to a random area. Suddenly, a big drone flew in and transforms to reveal one of the DEMONS. Roman sees that it's Striker. Striker looks at Roman, and goes to find Psychopath.

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