CH. 8: The Competition

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*Tron's P.O.V.*

The week has been a little weird lately. For starters, Blake and Weiss kept getting closer to me. I try to be alone at times, but they are somehow there. Other than that, the rest of the week is alright. Right now, I'm getting ready for a main event. I left the dorm, and I made my way to my team.

While walking to them, I saw that everyone was looking at me. I can hear them gossiping. I didn't care, so I continued on. Once I made it to my team, they were getting ready as well.

Tron: Hey guys. Are you all ready?

KILLER: You know it.

Just as we were waiting for the others, we see our friends walking to us. Juane asked us a question.

Juane: What are you guys doing?

Skully: We're getting ready for our fight.

Pyrrha: Why are you all going to fight?

Rachel: It's a tradition we have. You see: Every month on the last day, we all fight each other. Last one standing wins.

Ruby: But why do you have to fight? What's the purpose?

Nightmare: So we can see how much we've improved on fighting.

Yang: Where are you going to fight at?

Bot: We were thinking of fighting at judgment hall.

Nora: Why don't you fight here at the arena? That way everyone can see you guys go all on out.

KILLER: That would be cool, but what do you say Tron.

Tron: As long as no one doesn't interrupt us, then it's alright with me.

From there, all of us went to the arena. Every student and even teachers came to see us. The six of us entered the arena. Once there, I threw one of my microchips to the ground. The entire arena expanded, and it started to look like judgment hall.

The entire layout completely changed, and a forcefield was covering the roof of the arena. All of us went to our spots. My A.I. started to countdown the fight.

A.I.: 3....2....1....Fight!

*3rd P.O.V.*

The Defenders ran towards one another, and there was a huge explosion that shook the entire academy. Everyone held to their seats, and they saw the team going at it.

KILLER changing the surroundings whenever he got the chance. Bot shooting plasma beams at him. Rachel firing different types of arrows. Skully driving on the walls and shooting at anyone he gets a clear on. Nightmare covering the entire arena with his shadow tornado. Tron dodging each attack, and repels the same attack to the other.

Each team member were making sure that one will soon be out first.

Nightmare and Skully were clashing into each other. Skully kept shooting Nightmare's back, and he hit him with his motorcycle. Nightmare uses his mace, and he nearly grabs Skully. He kept attempting this, however, he finally caught him. Nightmare then yanked his motorcycle back. This has Skully pulled out of his motorcycle, but he managed land safely.

Skully brought out his sword, and both opponents clashed their weapons. Nightmare slashed his scythe down, but Skully blocked the weapon. Skully then brought out his gun, and he shot Nightmare in the side. Nightmare winced but he grabbed Skully via his shadow. Nightmare threw him to the wall.

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