CH.19: A Scavenger Hunt

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*3rd P.O.V.*

Tron and the others were going around each Kingdom to find the shards. The team splitted up to cover more ground. KILLER and Bot were at Mistral, Nightmare and Skully were at Vacuo, and Tron and Rachel were at Vale.

The three groups were searching for the shards, and each of them had radar scanners to specifically locate any spike waves of the shards. They also had containers and equipments that can help them safely grab and contain the shards. While they were away looking for the shards, Tron had Ruby and her team watch Bunbun and Fluffy.

Now, each of the group had to make sure that no one has the shard, which sounds easier than it looks.

*KILLER and Bot*

The Chaotic Duo were at the swampy area of Remnant, and Bot has his drones scanning the area, while him and KILLER were walking around. Bot was annoyed by his wheels getting stuck in the swampy ground, so KILLER had him on his back. The two of them continued their journey to find the shards, but they haven't had any luck with it.

While walking, the two of them new that the place had a lot of Grimm and few people in the area. KILLER had one of his hands shape into an axe blade, but just in case the Grimm tried to attack them. As they were venturing further into the area, Bot sees that the area looks a bit different compared to how it looked like in his scanners awhile back when they arrived to Remnant.

Bot: KILLER, the area here is different compared to when I first scanned this world.


Bot: It means that the shards are altering the area around it, so that means that we're closer to it.

Bot scanned around, and he saw the waves spike up. This meant that a shard was close by. KILLER picked up the pace, and he started to run to the location of the shard. Once there, they see a crater in the ground, and a bunch of purple veins were attached to the ground. The ground was also glowing purple due to the purple veins around it.

Bot got off KILLER's back, and he pulled out the container and extractor. The two were slowly approaching the shards, as they didn't want the shard's power waves pulsing at them. They were near it, and Bot uses the extractor to grab the shard, which he slowly and carefully holds onto. KILLER opens the container, and Bot carefully places the shard in the containment. Afterwards, KILLER closes the container, and signifying that they successfully contained the shard.

They then high fived each other. Bot then checks the scanner, and he sees that there are more in the area close and a little far from them. The two then went to get the shards, which was both easy and hard to handle. They would be fighting the Grimm, as they were trying to get the shards, which they were stopped by The Chaotic Duo.

After retrieving a couple more shards, Bot decided to contact Tron.

Bot: *in intercoms from his forearm* Tron, this is Bot, we have retrieved about three shards in the containment. There are probably more, but we'll take these ones back to the academy.

After informing Tron, KILLER senses something approaching them, so he grabs Bot and gets out of the way. Then, a huge impact was created, and it shook the ground. The two were checking to see who caused it. Unfortunately, they found out who did it. Amalgamation was there, and he roars at the two.

Amalgamation then breathed out fire at the two, which KILLER tanked the blow. KILLER then gave the container to Bot, and told him to get out of here. Bot complies, and he started calling his drones to get him.

After Bot left, the two beasts/hunters were alone in the swampy area. The two circled around the other. KILLER readied himself, while Amalgamation readied his weapons.

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