CH.24: A day before the Dance

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

I am a total mess right now. You see, TOMORROWISTHEDANCE,ANDIDON'TKNOWWHATTOWHERE!!! I have tried to find a dress to wear for tomorrow, but none of them feel like myself. What's worse is that neither Tron or I haven't asked each other to the dance.  I know we haven't asked each other, as we both have been busy, but I don't know if I should ask him or the other way around.

Right now I was in a clothing store with Weiss, and I was checking for any dress that would suite me.

Ruby: Which one would look good on me?

Weiss: *irritated* I don't know, but you're sure taking a long time.

Ruby: Hey, I just want to wear something nice.

Weiss: Then why aren't you wearing anything that's not red? That's what you would wear for something like this.

Ruby: I know, but I just want to look great for Tron when we go to the dance.

Weiss: Have you already asked him out to the dance, or has he asked you?

Ruby: Neither of us have yet.

Weiss: How come?

Ruby: Because we're busy with other things, which made it hard for us to ask each other.

Weiss: I see. Anyways, are you going to ask him, or is he going to ask you?

Ruby: I don't know, but it shouldn't matter, as long as we go together.

Weiss: Hope you ask him soon, because there are other girls asking him.

Ruby: Wait, what?!

Weiss: Yep, some of our female friends are planning to ask him out to the dance.

Ruby: But he's my boyfriend!

Weiss: Look, you still have a chance, so don't mess it up.

Ruby: So, who are you going to the dance with?

Weiss: Umm, I was going to ask *mumbles*

Ruby: What?

Weiss: I was going to ask Tron.

Ruby: You too!?!?

Weiss: Ruby, he's the only guy that will possibly say yes to me, and not have any dirty intentions with me.

Ruby: What about Jaune?

Weiss: Rachel already asked him.

Ruby: How about Ren?

Weiss: He's not my type.

Ruby: Neptune?

Weiss: Probably, but that's if someone didn't ask him out yet.

Ruby: Ok then.

For an hour, Weiss was helping me pick out different kinds of dresses, but none felt like me. I tried out a few more different dresses, but that was until I wore one dress that I really loved. I showed it to Weiss, and she thought it looks good on me, so we went to pay for it. Afterwards, we left the store, and we were making our way back to the academy.

While heading back to the academy, I get a call from Tron. I then answered it.

Ruby: Hello?

Tron: Hey Ruby.

Ruby: Hi Tron. Is there something you need from me?

Tron: Nope, I just wanted to call you.

Ruby: Oh, okay. What are you doing?

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