CH.23: The Reaper doesn't let sinners go free

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*3rd P.O.V.*

Team JNPR were in Atlas, and they are in the middle of fighting Reaper and Unwanted Murderer. Jaune and Pyrrha were fighting Reaper, as Nora and Ren were fighting Unwanted Murderer. Nora kept bashing Unwanted Murderer with her hammer, as Ren was on his back stabbing him.

The crazy DEMON was just laughing at them, but he loved to see his opponents struggling. He grabbed Ren by his head, and threw him towards Nora. The two got back up, but they had to dodge Unwanted Murderer's attack. Ren shot him multiple times in the head, but that obviously wasn't working.

Nora turned her hammer into a grenade launcher, and she started to blast Unwanted Murderer everywhere. The crazed DEMON just dust it off, and he roars at the two. Ren knew what he was about to do, so he pushes Nora out of the way, and just in the nick of time too. Unwanted Murderer nearly tackled the two.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Pyrrha were fighting Reaper. Jaune blocked every single attack the Reaper was hitting him with. Pyrrha attacks the DEMON with her spear and shield, which has the DEMON turns his direction to. Reaper shoots out two missiles towards her, and she blocks them. Unfortunately, she wasn't quick enough, as Reaper punches her in the face, and he hits her with the back of his scythe. Pyrrha is on the ground, but she takes Reaper with her.

Reaper gets back up, but he gets shot by Jaune's blaster, which is attached to the end of his shield that Tron gave him. Jaune has the ammunition at high max, as he kept on shooting Reaper. The Grim Reaper DEMON deflects most of the shots, but he does get hit by the rest. Reaper was about to use the shard to hit them, but he gets his head stabbed by Pyrrha's spear.

Pyrrha was about to use her shield to knock it out of his hand, but Reaper uses his other hand to hit her. Afterwards, he takes the spear out of him. Before he could use the shard, Jaune uses his shield to strike it down to the ground. From there, the DEMON and Jaune looked at each other.

Reaper: Do you think that you can stop us?

Jaune: No, but I do know that this isn't what you want to do.

Reaper: And what makes you think that, weakling?

Jaune: Tron has told me so much about you, and this isn't who you are at all. You are meant to be a beacon of justice, not this monster who is helping sinners.

Reaper: You don't know me.

Reaper was about to strike him, but he hesitantly stops for a few seconds. Then, he went back to attack Jaune. Pyrrha ran to help her teammate, and she switched her spear to a riffle. She then shot Reaper in the head multiple times, but he wouldn't budge. She then threw her shield at his face, but this time it harmed him. He fell down to the ground, and he hissed at the pain.

Reaper looks at the shield, and he knew the type of material and power from it.

Reaper: Seems like Tron is upgrading your stuff. No matter, you all will die either way. Especially you, Spartan.

Reaper runs towards her, and he has the shard in his hand. He jumps up in the air, and he was about to strike her.

Jaune: Pyrrha, watch out!!!

Pyrrha turns around, and she sees Reaper coming towards her. Her eyes widened and her life was flashing before her eyes.

*Flashback to earlier in the day*

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