CH 4: Another Round

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

Another day of exhaustion. Currently, my team and I were in Professor Ports'class. As usual, everyone wasn't listening to his "lessons". While he was looked away, I went to sit next to Tron. He didn't mind, so he went back to petting Bunbun. I just rested my head, and fell asleep.

*In Ruby's Dream*

I was back in the void again. I didn't have anything in my dream yet. Now I was waiting for something to happen. Just then, I sensed that someone was in my mind. I looked around, and I saw Psychopath.

Psychopath: Nice to see you again, little rose.

Ruby: Why are you here? I haven't seen you in any of my other dreams.

Psychopath: I was busy with something.

Ruby: Busy with what?

Psychopath: That's a secret. Now, the reason why I'm here, I just want to talk.

Ruby: That's it?

Psychopath: Yes, I can see the potential that you have. I also know everything about you, and I can see what you'll become in the future.

Ruby: Wait, you can see the future?!?

Psychopath: Sort of. You see, I can only see one individuals' future. And judging from yours, you'll be something that you're proud of.

Ruby: Can you tell me what happens!

Psychopath: Nope, if I do then it'll never happen.

Ruby: *slightly disappointed* Aw.

Psychopath: Don't worry. Anyways, back to the main topic: Our last encounter.

Ruby: You mean when I fought you, then you beat me.

Psychopath: Precisely. I saw how you were fighting, and I noticed the lack of determination in you. You didn't even try to kill me, or even attempted to stall me.

Ruby: That was because I had to stop you, and I knew I couldn't beat you. So I had to do whatever I could to stop from obtaining whatever you were getting.

Psychopath: Do you even know what I was trying to obtain?

Ruby: Nope, but I knew it wasn't good in your hands.

Psychopath didn't say anything, so I just stayed silent. Both of us were staring at each other, and it was a little uncomfortable. I tried to talk about another topic.

Ruby: What made you this way? You know, being a villain.

Psychopath: I'm not a villain, nor am I a hero. I'm this world's savior. Everywhere in this planet, evil hides in the shadows. It's mine and my brother's job to eradicate it. Even if we have to KILL.

Ruby: But what made you this way? I already know where you came from, and who created you. So why are like this?

Psychopath: The world made me this way. By that, I mean that what I've experienced from both in Tron's eyes and my own. People are the true monsters in this world, and they want to blame everything on something else. With also learning what chaos they have inflicted, it became my job to put out the flame.

Ruby: You don't have to do that. There are other ways to solve the situation.

Psychopath: If there was another way, then I would've done it. Even if I did, the corruption will still be out there. It's best if I took them out, and everyone will have a better life.

Ruby: But it's not right to take someone's life.

Psychopath: You do realize that Tron and his team sometimes do that?

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