CH.15: It's Time

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*3rd P.O.V.*

As the day of Halloween ended, the crimes and destruction didn't. During the night, the INNER DEMONS were finding the shards. Throughout Vale, they were retrieving the shards, and there was no one to stop them. Some huntsmen and huntresses tried to stop them, but they were unsuccessful.

The DEMONS easily took them down, however, Unwanted Murderer would take it too far. He would paralyze some of them, and he would kill a few of them. Now, the DEMONS have about 20 shards with them. With these in their hands, it was time for them to enact their plan. Only Psychopath knows what'll happen, and he intends it to be a success.

Right now, The Defenders, Team RWBY and JNPR are in Vale helping with the damage that was covered around the kingdom. The 3 teams were helping however they could with the mess in front of them. Many people were harmed and frightened.

KILLER: This is really bad.

Bot: You think? Look around you! Everything is destroyed, and we all know who have done this!

Ren: Calm down, Bot. Your head is starting to steam out.

Bot's head was actually steaming, but he put it out with some cooling fluid. Afterwards, the teams were continuing to help cleaning the news up. Eventually, they finished fixing the damages that the DEMONS have caused. While looking at the cleaned up destruction, Tron started to receive a splitting headache.

Rachel and Ruby went to him, and they were checking if he was alright. Then, Tron started to tell them that he's fine. He had them to go with the others, and he soon teleported somewhere isolated. He teleported to an alleyway, and he started to talk with Killer.

Tron: What do you want?

Killer: You know what I want, but you won't give it to me.

Tron: That's because I know what you're planning on doing. There's nothing in this world that could make me release you.

Killer: Don't count on that.

Tron: Just leave me alone!

Killer: You know that'll never happen. *Laughs sinisterly at him*

Killer soon stopped talking, and Tron went back to the others.

*Killer's P.O.V.*

After having a little "chat" with Tron, I temporarily left his mind, and I went to Psychopath's instead. Once I'm, I started talking about our little plan. He said that it's almost ready, and that made me smile even bigger.

Psychopath: It's almost ready, but all we need is to have Tron all by himself.

Killer: Perfect.

I soon left his mind, and I went back to Tron's mind.

*Small timeskip*

Nothing has happened, and I was waiting for the perfect time to get Tron alone. Right now, he was in his room with Nora, and he was upgrading her hammer.

Tron: You really gotta stop pushing this hammer's limits.

Nora: Why? It's fun to see a bunch of criminals and Grimms getting whacked by my hammer!

Tron: To you it's fun, but you got to understand the limitation that this hammer has. I can tell by the materials that it's made of, and if you keep doing this it will break.

Nora: You know a lot about weapons.

Tron: Well, I had to study everything about different weapons.

Nora: How come?

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