CH.20: A new discovery and PAIN

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*Rachel's P.O.V.*

It was early in the morning, and the team and I were in the arena to train ourselves. Tron has the settings to be at the maximum level, and the rest of us were training once more. We haven't really trained that much when being in this academy, but it does help change the pace of our lives a bit.

While we were training, KILLER was going a little overboard, so Bot and Skully had to calm him down a bit. He stopped once he notices that he wasn't acting like himself. KILLER apologized for that, as the whole situation that happened earlier with the shards being stolen. All of us knew how he felt, as this meant that the DEMONS are closer to collecting all of them.

We continued to train for another 30 minutes, and we all soon finished training. We then went back to our dorm to wash off the sweat, well basically Tron and I, and probably KILLER as well. After freshening up, I saw that Tron was in the room looking for more locations to find the rest of the shards. I always hated this side of him, he would stay up for hours or days to figure out something. This hasn't changed back home, as he would have his attention to find the DEMONS. He wouldn't sleep or eat until he found them, and it looks like history is repeating again.

I walked towards him, and he then turns off the holographic map. He tries so hard to make it look like I wouldn't notice him overworking himself. He sees my expression, and he looks away as he doesn't like it one bit.

Rachel: Tron, just take a break from all this, please?

Tron: I can't do that.

Rachel: And why not?

Tron: Because I have find out where the rest of the shards are located. I don't want the DEMONS to get their hands on it again.

Rachel: You wouldn't do much to stop them if you're all overworked. Just take a break, please.

He sees me doing my puppy eyes, and he sighs and agrees. I know he means well to protect us, but no one else does the same for him. I try to, but it's hard when he can't afford to let us take on the pain with him.

He sits on the bed, and he holds a Sans plushie that I got him a few years ago. I sit next to him, and he doesn't mind it.

Rachel: I just don't want you to overwhelm yourself like last time.

Tron: I know, but I just don't want them to repeat everything that has happened before. I don't want any of you to get hurt. I can't afford that to happen again.

Rachel: I know, bro. *Has his head laying on her chest* We all want everyone to be safe, but there will be times when we're not always there to protect others.

Tron: *sighs* I know that part all too well.

Rachel: I know. *Caresses his hair* It looks like your hair is getting longer. Do you want me to cut it for you again?

Tron: Sure. We don't want a repeat for when I cut my own hair. *Chuckles*

Rachel: *chuckles* Yeah, you had to have KILLER's help with that.

After that little memory, I lead Tron to the restroom, and I started to trim his hair. I always like cutting his hair, and this was always the case when we were younger. He would be embarrassed that his young sister would cut his hair, instead of him doing himself. It's just the little things that I enjoy spending time with him.

Soon, I finished cutting his hair, and he looks the same as always. He hugged me, and thanked me for it. I hugged him back, and I am always happy to help him like when he helps me. Afterwards, I left the restroom, so he could shower to get the hairs off him.

I then went to leave the dorm, and decided to walk around the academy. I didn't pay any attention, but I did bumped into someone. I saw that it was Weiss. She didn't look too pleased, but she calmed down when she saw me. I got up and helped her to stand back up.

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