Bio: Nightmare

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*This is for Nightmare in the past*

Name: Nightmare

Order of creation: 1/2

Info: Nightmare is half of the first INNER DEMON. When Killer was separated from Tron, he was stuck in his mind. Meanwhile his body had its own identity. Nightmare is the same as Killer, but he is also different from him. Nightmare goes for the more twisted people to live, but he also kills some people to release his anger. Nightmare is more patient and cunning to his surroundings. Nightmare doesn't show any weakness, and he makes sure that no one knows his next move. His intelligence is strictly on combat, stealth and weapons.

Height: 5'7

Fighting style/skills: Nightmare is more on the brute side when it comes to fighting. He uses his strongest attack, and worries about everything else later in the fight. He always goes for his opponents weaknesses and exploit it. Most of the time he goes for quick attacks, so he can have his opponent questioning his next move. He is quick and brutal to his attacks. Nightmare is also incredible with stealth, but it always helps him in the end. For a being with armor, he is quite silent on his feet. His expertise on weapons is outstanding whenever he uses in combat, mostly melee weapons to say the least.

Weapons: Scythe, mace, arm blades, rocket missiles (located in his back), claws, arm cannon (only has one)


*here's an alternate color scheme for him*

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*here's an alternate color scheme for him*

*here's an alternate color scheme for him*

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Nightmare: I know I can never escape this hell of mine. The only thing that I can do is hold onto hope, but I doubt it's going to help me. I just hope I can escape this.

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