CH.29: Our Last Moments

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*Psychopath's P.O.V.*

We now finally have all shards collected, and we need to get our warship to be completely built. I was in my lab, as I was studying as to how to transmit the power for our ship. As I was researching, I sense someone in the lab with me. I turned to check, and I see Salem there.

Salem: So it seems that you finally have all the shards put together.

Psychopath: Yes, all 50 shards are all put together.

Salem: What is the next step in the plan?

Psychopath: My brothers and I will check if our ship is ready for us. Then, I must research about the shard's full power, and see what I can do to harness it.

Salem: And then we'll attack Beacon and Ozpin?

Psychopath: You're coming with us for the attack?

Salem: Yes, it's about time I stop being in this realm, and finally see Ozpin before he meets his demise. Also to see Tron up close.

Psychopath: Don't get all too cocky. He is far stronger than you, and can easily kill you and everyone else.

Salem: I can tell from what you have shown me.

Psychopath: Anyways, I must be off.

I went to go to visit Roman and Adam, and see what the progress is. As I opened a portal there, I see Striker already there, and the rest of my brothers are there. I also see Roman ordering some of the White Fang members to complete one section of the ship. He notices me in the area, and he goes towards to me.

Roman: Psychopath, you're here.

Psychopath: Of course, as I need to know the progress of The Nemesis.

Roman: They're about 87% done with the ship. They need a bit more supplies to complete the ship. Maybe you and your brothers can help building the ship?

Amalgamation: That's what we're here for. We finally have all the shards, and we need to The Nemesis to be complete.

Roman: Where was the last shard at?

Unwanted Murderer: It was inside Nightmare, and Cinder took it from them after he got it out of him.

Scourge: Which has them blow their cover to where The Defenders now know they work with us. Anyways, we'll get the last stuff to complete the ship.

Unwanted Murderer: Anyways, where's Adam? Haven't seen that bull since the warehouse exploded.

Amalgamation: Where is he though?

We then see Adam coming in the warehouse, as he helps his members with the ship. I went to him, and he then sees me.

Adam: Psychopath, I see that you're here.

Psychopath: Indeed, I see that you're helping your fellow brothers and sisters with this. Keep this up, and I will help with your problem with the faunus equality.

Adam nodded, and he continued to help build the rest of the ship. I scanned the entirety to see where I needs to be built. Striker scans the interior, and checks what we need inside the ship. He then goes to start building it. The rest of my brothers do the same thing, and we all use the remaining parts to build the needed parts.

As we helped building the ship, Scourge taps my shoulder and he informs that there's no more supplies to use.

Scourge: Psychopath, there's no more supplies for us to build for the ship.

Psychopath: It appears so.

Scourge: I'll go get the last batch of supplies for us.

Psychopath: Fine, but don't try to cause any chaos.

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