CH.16: A big event

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

I was having a nice dream, and it involved both Tron and I. We were having a wonderful date, and we were walking around the city. It felt so real that I thought it was really happening,  it then everything started to fade to black and purple. I then looked around, and I didn't see anything else.

That's when I heard a sinister laughter. At first, I thought it was Psychopath, but I was soon wrong.

Scourge: Well, well, well. Look what we got here, the silver-eyed warrior is here all alone.

I turned around, and I saw Scourge in front of me. He looked different from the last time I've seen him. He started to walk towards me, but I started to back away from him. He kept on walking in a straight line, and he started to crouch like a predator readying themselves to pounce on their prey. I started running away from him, but he was suddenly in front of me.

He grabbed me by my neck, and he looks at me for a long period of time. He then laughs for some reason that I don't know of.

Scourge: *sinisterly laughs* This is the "special" person that Tron cares so much about? You don't look like a the person that could save this world. What makes you think that you can stop us?

Ruby: What are you talking about? I just want to help people and stop the bad people.

Scourge: That's what they all say.

He didn't let his grip off me, and he just stared at me with malicious intents. Then, he just drops me to the floor. I gasped for air, and I see that Scourge is just staring at me while he has his mace out.

He retracts it back, and he started to leave. But he didn't leave without telling me something.

Scourge: You may be the one that saves this world, but you're not the one that could stop us.

Afterwards, he soon left, and I felt myself waking up. I slowly opened my eyes, and I see that Weiss is shaking me to wake up.

Weiss: Wake up, you dolt!

Ruby: Huh? What?

Weiss: Finally, you're awake now. Come on, you got to get ready.

Ruby: Get ready for what? *Yawns*

Weiss: We're all going to Atlas.

Ruby: Why?

Weiss: Because Ironwood called for me to go there. I'm bringing you all with me.

Ruby: Can I bring Tron and his team with us?

Yang: Weiss already told them about this whole thing.

Ruby: Oh. Are they coming with us, though?

Weiss: They are. *Under breath* I had to basically beg for them to come.

Ruby: Okay then!

I rushed to get myself ready, and I still look like how I am every day. I get out of the restroom, and I see my team all ready.

Ruby: So why does Ironwood want you to come to Atlas?

Weiss: He wants to present something new that they have created. I don't know what it is, but it seems promising.

Blake: So they're just going to show new weapons to the public. That's nothing too special.

Weiss: How would you know?

Blake: Because we have a friend that literally has better weapons than the entirety of Atlas. Also, he has upgraded our weapons to stronger than before.

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