CH.26: Something Different

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*Ruby's P.O.V.*

It's has been a few weeks since the whole thing with the DEMONS crash the dance. Everyone still talks about it, and how some of them recorded parts of the fight. I didn't pay any mind to it, as other things were catching my attention.

Right now, I was in the library with Weiss, due to her wanting to study more for a better fighting tactic. I call that nonsense, as we have a great fighting style, but she doesn't believe it's good enough for the Vytal Tournament. As she was studying different fighting tactics, I was watching videos on my scroll. Then, Yang comes to our table and sits next to me.

Yang: Hey sis.

Ruby: Hey Yang.

Yang: What are you doing here in the library with Weiss?

Ruby: She forced me to come here with her, even though I didn't want to.

Yang: *laughs* Anyways, have you seen Tron anywhere? He said we would spar together.

Ruby: Oh, he's with Blake at the bookstore.

Yang: Why's he with Blake?

Ruby: Because their on a mini date.

That's right, you heard that. Blake is now dating Tron. This happened the day after the dance, as the two of us gave our decision for Blake. I said yes that I could share Tron with her. After telling her that, she immediately latched onto Tron. I found that hilarious, and Tron is now dating the two of us.

We told the others about this, and each of our friends has different reactions. Weiss was questioning about this, Nightmare, KILLER and Skully didn't give Tron an easy time about this. Neither did Rachel, as she and Yang were bothering me and Tron about this. Team JNPR supported us with this, and so did Bot. It was rough at first with which of us would have Tron for the day, but we soon figured it out.

Yang: So, how has it been with you sharing Tron with Blake?

Ruby: Well, it was weird at first, but we managed to work it out.

Yang: Has anything changed since then?

Ruby: Only just to see who has Tron for the day or for half the day.

Yang: Hmm.

Ruby: Yeah, but I'm just here being held against my will from Weiss.

Weiss: I heard that.

Yang: *chuckles* I wonder what those two are doing now.

*3rd P.O.V.*

*With Tron and Blake*

The two were at the bookstore, and Tron was holding some books that Blake was picking out. Most were from NInja of Love, and Tron was humored from that she reads these types of books. As they were in the store, Blake picked a third book and gave it to Tron.

Tron: Hey Blake.

Blake: Yes?

Tron: You remember that book I gave you when we first met?

Blake: Yes, what about it?

Tron: Did you finish reading it?

Blake: I did, but I forget to give it back to you.

Tron: Oh, okay then.

Blake: You alright, Tron?

Tron: No, I'm not.

Blake: What's wrong?

Tron: I kept thinking about the whole fight with the DEMONS, and how I should've just stopped them at that moment.

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