12: the belle, binna

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Original Chapters (Manhwa): 46~53
12: the belle, binna





Year 2, Month 4
Brother is silly.



Year 2, Month 6
Strange sister said brother in trouble. Brother picked me up tho.



Year 2, Month 10
Brother comes home crying. Why.



Year 3, Month 7
Brother comes home with blue and purple face. I avenge him!



Year 5, Month 4
Brother gives me a knitted komodo dragon! Brother the best!



Year 6, Month 11
I hear brother crying. I don't like seeing him cry. So, I made a pancake for him to cheer him up!



Year 8, Month 6
My brother stayed at home today so I managed to give him the art I did in art class much earlier! He said that I'm a gifted artist, so I made another drawing for him!



Year 10, Month 1
Something is weird. But I don't know what. I just know that I need to protect my brother, no matter the cost.



Year 11, Month 3
Brother decided that frowning all day long wouldn't help him at work, so he decided to change his ways when he transferred to another company. He said that even though his coworkers were jealous of him, all he needed to do was smile, retaliate, and then the higher-ups wouldn't find trouble with him. I knew it, brother is the best!



Year 12, Month 8
My brother cried again. He tries to keep things to himself. Whenever I ask, he says that I'm too young. Ha. If he only knew... I want to protect him but he insists on doing the opposite. I have no choice but to let him do what he wants. Hmph. I'll just make trouble!



Year 13, Month 0
Even if my brother forgot, he still unconsciously looks for that man. Brother, why can't you forget about him already? He's not worth your time! But brother doesn't remember, how can I say those words to him? It might even trigger his memories.



Year 14, Month 1
This planetary system reached the end of its trial period. I have to find brother! It took me so long to find him again, I can't afford to fail him! Brother, this time, I definitely have to protect you! After all, everything that happened so far happened because of me...





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