The Meeting (Chapter 1)

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AN: Hello!

Welcome to my new story!

Credit to Artists! (I also couldn't find many images to use.)

------------------------Harry's POV------------------------------

The sting in my hand only got worse as I continued to copy down the phrase on the parchment, "I Must Not Tell Lies." I winced in pain as the next line of words cut deeper than the last. After I had completed the long piece of parchment, I placed the blood quill down on the table, panting slightly from the pain in my left hand.

"Alright, Mr. Potter, you may leave." The toad dismissed me.

I quickly stood up and walked out of the classroom but as soon as I got out of view of the room, I started to run down the flights of stairs, heading out of the castle towards the forbidden forest.

Panting and gasping as I continued to run until I was a fair way into the forest. I then decided that I was far enough away that I wouldn't be disturbed for a while and sat down, leaning against a tree, on the cold, dirty floor, wincing as I brought my hand closer to my face to inspect the cuts.

Gasping as I heard a loud, animal like growl echoing from the trees surrounding me, I quickly stood, running for about two meters before falling, scraping my palms, knees and grazing up the side of my left leg, before knocking my head hard on the debris covered earth, the world turning black as I passed out.

----------------------------Fenrir's POV----------------------------

I watched as a figure came into view and, coming closer, I could clearly see that it was none other than The Boy Who Lived. Seeing that he all but collapsed to the ground, I watched for a little longer before letting out a deep, loud warning growl, letting him know that I was there and that if he didn't leave, he would be in trouble.

Smirking as he stumbled to the ground, taking a few rushed steps before falling to the floor, his eyes rotating a bit in his head before he blacked out completely. Suddenly worried about what had happened to him, I stepped out from the bushes that I were hiding in and stalked over to observe the limp body of the savior of the wizarding world.

Noticing that he was injured and would not be able to find his way back to the castle, I gently picked him up, taking in his soft features while wondering why I cared so much. Arriving back at the main camp like area of my territory that no one else dared to enter, I walked into the nearby cave, gently placing Harry's lifeless body onto a pile of soft furs that I had collected and cleaned from wild animals that I had used as food.

I heard him give a groan of pain as he moved in his knocked-out state, irritating his wounds. Sighing to myself, still wondering why I decided to help the beaten down looking fifteen-year-old boy, I went to grab some supplies that I would need to clean his injuries and keep then covered to ensure that they wouldn't get infected. Although werewolf saliva can heal wounds (when not in wolf form) it cannot clean them which meant that under the newly formed skin, infection could linger.

Returning from collecting the medical supplies, I sat down at the edge of the furs and, with a gentle hand, pulled the boys leg closer to me so that I could clean his biggest wound first.

Trying to ignore Harry's pained whimpers as I didn't possess any pain relief medication, I continued to dab at the wounds with rubbing alcohol until I deemed them clean enough to bandage, hoping that they would get infected.

Finishing up on his legs I then moved onto his palms, cleaning them before taking a look at the back of his left hand which was severely swollen. Cleaning it up too, I soon noticed that there were words carved into the back of his hand, that he could have only gotten from either self-harm or torture.

Looking closer I saw that the words that were carved into his skin wrote, "I Must Not Tell Lies." Disgusted at the fact that anyone could carve that into a fifteen-year-old boys' hand, ruling out the possibility of him carving them into himself, I continued to wrap his hand in bandages before pulling another fur blanket over his small, frail body and going outside to collect firwood to keep him warm during the cold night.

Walking inside with the firewood, I placed it down onto the floor in the middle of the cave as I had put Harry down at the back of the cave. Setting up the fire, I decided that he would probably be hungry when he woke up and started to cook some of the meat that I had collected earlier in the day.

----------------------Harry's POV------------------------

I let out a groan of pain as I opened my eyes, looking around what looked like a cave before looking down at myself and seeing that I had bandages wrapping both hands. Removing the fur blankets, I also noticed that there were bandages covering my shins and knees as well.

Looking around some more, I saw a medium sized fire burning in the center of the cave. Wondering where I was and how I got here, I attempted to crawl out of the blankets before I saw a figure walking into the room, hearing the loud thumps of their feet.

Scared of who it could be, I started to back away from the entrance of the cave, pushing myself further back until I was in the shadows of the cave where the fire light couldn't reach me.

Hearing the footsteps stop before continuing again, I held my breath trying not to make any sound.

"I know you're there." A loud, deep voice spoke as I continued to hide in the shadows, unable to see the person clearly. "You can stay there, if you want but I wouldn't suggest running off – I'm not going to stop you, but you might die in the process, especially at this time of night. There is food wrapped up in the coals for you, I'll be sleeping now so do what you want." The voice continued after pausing to allow me to reply.

Without replying, I stayed in the dark for around an hour before finally creeping out and going over to the fire, using the long metal fork to grab the food, unwrapping it and eating the juicy, perfectly cooked meat before quietly walking back over to the fur blankets after taking a look at who had helped me.

Shocked to see that Fenrir Greyback had helped me, I climbed back under the blankets and drifted back off to sleep, hoping that it was all just a dream and that I would wake up in safety of the castle.


AN: Hello!

I'm so sorry that I didn't post last week but I needed an extra week to set everything up, plus I had a really busy week last week and didn't have a lot of time to write. 

Please comment any ideas/suggestion you have, I always like to keep in mind what you guys want!

Also comment any song ideas you have!

Hope you enjoyed!

See you next week!

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