Chapter 5

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Things progressed smoothly for several days, slipping back into their newly developing routine. Harry was finding his days extremely busy. He was now attending all of the meetings that Tom scheduled throughout the days, although, at least, there weren't quite as many as in the start of the month. But there was still always at least one meeting a day. Between the meetings, his Arithmancy and Ancient Runes work, the Dark Arts, dueling training that he and Tom still tried to squeeze in for at least a half hour a day as well as frequently getting distracted by being snogged senseless by Tom, Harry was having trouble finding a moment to just lounge around and relax. Not that he really minded.

The pair had actually made use of the Time-Turner a few times just to squeeze in time for Harry's extra lessons.

Harry had received another round of letters the day after the meeting with the Minister at Diagon Alley. The Minister had sent another invitation for tea, this time scheduled for July 23rd at 3 pm. Harry had sent back a quick acceptance letter and a thank you.

He had received another letter from Dumbledore expressing his deep disappointment in Harry's choices and his refusal to return willingly, clearly trying to play on Harry's supposed respect for authority figures as well as his desire for acceptance and approval. Of course, Harry had no such respect for any authority figures and did not in any way desire Dumbledore's approval, so the letter's sentiments only make Harry sneer in disgust. Dumbledore had begged Harry to please reveal his location so that he could be collected and taken somewhere safe. Harry had replied that he was safe, thank you very much, but thanks anyway.

The Weasley's had all sent letters. They were all glad that he really was safe and that he was happy and enjoying his summer for once. The twins informed him that there had been several instances where a group of adults that they mostly didn't recognize, and usually accompanied by Dumbledore himself, were coming to the Burrow then sequestering themselves into the kitchen while all of the kids were shooed off to bed.

The twins, being the twins, didn't take this directive very seriously and had tried on several instances to listen in. The group, it seemed, was called 'The Order', and they seemed to be making plans or something regarding the return of You-Know-Who. They also informed Harry that it sounded like the Weasley family was going to be spending the second half of the summer somewhere besides the Burrow. The Order's new headquarters was apparently in rather bad shape and Mrs. Weasley had volunteered herself and her family to try to fix the place up. There were also plans to improve the wards around the Burrow while the family stayed at this elusive 'headquarters', although nothing had been said to the kids in any official capacity yet. The twins promised updates when they had them.

Harry smirked as he relayed the information to Tom.

On the 14th, the Prophet's front page was plastered with a very large moving photograph of Harry and Tom's alter-ego 'Nick', sharing their parting kiss. The article beneath,' written by a woman named 'Betty Braithwaite' detailed various witness accounts from his and Tom's trip around Diagon Alley then moved onto mention Harry's lengthy tea with the Minister for Magic. Taking up a quarter of the top-half of the front page was a moving photo of Harry and Fudge sitting down at the small round table on the tea house's patio, clearly talking, smiling genially at each other. Every now and then one of them would pick up a scone or a biscuit and eat it, or laugh lightly at something the other had said. Harry wondered if the Minister was annoyed that Harry's love-life had apparently warranted a larger picture and slightly more attention than the fact that Harry was in the alley to meet with the Minister for Magic. He also couldn't get over how ridiculous it was that his love life and afternoon tea was considered front-page news.

The article tried to speculate what that Boy-Who-Lived and winner of the Tri-Wizard Tournament would be doing having tea with the Minister for Magic but they really had no idea so the speculations were all aimless. Clearly Tom had succeeded in preventing Betty Braithwaite from overhearing anything useful. The article actually spent an amusing amount of time speculating on who the mystery boy that Harry had kissed was but it could find no witnesses who had recognized him or had heard Harry refer to him by name.

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