Chapter 42

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Sitting on the bed with Tom after coming back in from visiting Sirius and telling him about the letter from Remus, Harry was going over what needed to be done the following day. Actually, from the sound of it, they were going to be less busy than normal. That had more to do with the fact that he had to visit the solicitor for the first time. With that, most of the afternoon was blocked out to go there with no meetings. It would be a break for them, something they didn't get often anymore. That pleased Harry. Though he and Tom spent the nights together, it wasn't the same as being able to spend time during the day to just wander and do something. This would allow that. Already they were planning to visit a couple shops to look at books, of course, so they would have some time alone. That he adored. He hoped they could spend a couple hours away from the Abbey together, simply wandering around like they had the one time, but he wasn't going to count on it. After all, they had things that needed to be done all the time. He was going to try, though.

After giving Tom the letter from Remus to read, he explained that he was going to let the man know Sirius was fine and in a place where he was protected, but not much else. Beyond that, he did mention he was pleased that what he had talked with the werewolf about was working and it seemed that he was taking steps back from Dumbledore's side.

Setting the letter aside, Tom nodded. "Yes, it does look good on that end. I also like the part about Bill. Though he didn't say it right now, it sounds like the oldest Weasley isn't happy with being played and doesn't want to take part. That is something good. Albus is playing with something he shouldn't when it comes to this. No, the more that refuse to go along, the better we're going to be in the long run."

"I agree," Harry told him with a nod. "Already, as I've told you, the Weasley's in school don't trust the old goat anymore. He's proven to them that they can't. Molly and Arthur? I don't know there. Same with Charlie. It's a start though."

"It is," Tom admitted, leaning back. Looking at Harry, he couldn't help but smile. His young lover was doing his job well. In fact, as good as he, himself, could with a situation like this. He liked that and it confirmed what he already knew; that he made the right choice with Harry.

Stretching out by Tom, lying on his side, Harry draped an arm over his midsection then grinned, relaying the conversation with Draco. When he stopped, he laughed, "You know, just for the amusement factor, something that would give me some comic relief with all the stresses going on, if it weren't for my relationship with Nick, I would probably actually let that go. Oh, the reaction could be too funny! I won't of course, but the looks on people's faces if they think I'm actually involved with Draco would be hilarious."

"It could be, I admit that," Tom said with a grin, reaching over to run his fingers through Harry's hair, giving it a gentle tug. "Dumbledore alone would have fits. His Golden Boy hooked up with a Malfoy? Oh, the heart attack it would give him!"

"That's funny, yeah," Harry said with a cocky grin. "Not happening though, both Draco and I know it. There is too much riding on what I'm doing to allow something like that to take place. No, we keep it out of sight and will continue to do so, the friendship that is. It works well and no risk to any plans."

"Very true," Tom said, rolling onto his side and draping an arm over Harry, pulling him closer. "At least you realize that and don't plan on doing so." Stroking a finger down the side of Harry's face, he said, "Besides, I'm not sure how well I would handle such rumors. I am rather possessive, you know."

"There is that, yeah," Harry chuckled, looking at his lover. "Admit it though, the look on Lucius' face if he got whiff that maybe there was something going on between Draco and I would be priceless! He would be dying, sure you were going to go after his son!"

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