Chapter 26

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A.N.- From here on out, all the chapters will be written by me and will be new material. I would, however, like to warn everyone once again that I'm not Aya and I can't write in her style nor can I produce the length of chapters she did. Also, as this was her baby and she knows it far better than I ever will, I might forget something that happened in either the first or this one. If I do, or contradict something, please let me know as it's not intentional. Beyond that, I do have the notes she left on the last chapter she posted on Some of these will be used and some won't as I wiggle around and try to make this story, from here on out, 'my own'. It'll also take me a few chapters to 'get a feel' for what I need to do as picking up from someone else isn't like creating something of your own. Though this may disappoint some of you, for that I'm sorry, but it'll be a fun ride! So, hang on to your shorts, some twists are coming!

-Danyealle (please note i am not Danyealle and to go to the bio of this story to get the link to the real one)

Flipping through the notes he had taken on the Death Eaters and other prisoners being held in the 'medical ward' in the Abbey, Harry chewed thoughtfully on his bottom lip as he made his way to the conference room where he knew Tom was. Tom wanted to go over the conditions of those there as well as suggestions from the healers before Snape showed up for a meeting he had scheduled in an hour or so.

Walking in, he smiled seeing Tom sitting there, in his serpentine transformation, working on something or other, his quill scratching on the parchment in front of him. With all he had to do, Tom was busy most times he was in here so Harry sat down in the chair by him and went to sorting through the notes he had taken to add to them if need be before he launched in to explain what he was sure Tom would want to know about.

"Give me a minute, Harry, and I'll be with you. I just need to finish this up," Tom told him, not looking up from whatever he was working on.

"That's fine," Harry replied with a small smile, shuffling through the notes before him, making sure they were in an order that he could deal with and find things quickly if needed.

After several more minutes of working intently on the parchment, Tom set his quill aside then leaned back, rubbing his eyes. Stretching slightly, he then leaned back in his chair, one hand caressing the arm of it almost absentmindedly. Looking at Harry, his lip-less mouth turned up slightly in a smile then asked, "Anything new with the ones we rescued?"

Shaking his head, Harry replied, "They are all still in a healing coma right now. Nor have the healers told me when they might be out. Each one is going to vary. But I took notes on their estimates." He handed that part of things over to Tom then continued on, "The others, the ones we rescued, I've taken more notes on them and what they did as well as other things I thought were important." Handing those notes over as well, he then leaned back in his chair and waited to see what else Tom wanted.

Nodding absently to Harry, Tom perused the notes he had taken, picking up a quill and adding things here and there that he felt was needed or wanted checked on when it came to things. There wasn't much, but he did want them done before he marked them. Leaning back again, he said, "It's my plan that, early next week, we'll mark them so they'll be able to start training. I'm going to have to see who I can find to take on this group since Thorfinn is at Hogwarts. Their skills, more than likely, are rusty after their stay in Azkaban and it'll have to go a little slower than with the others because of their poor condition." Rubbing his chin with long, pale fingers, he tried to think who he could get to do that. With them staying at the Abbey, their training could be done every day until they were up to a level he wanted them.

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