Chapter 40

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Sitting on the seat of the small window in his room, Peter was watching out back as Lord Voldemort and Harry started moving Sirius into the tiny house that was out there. From what he understood, his old friend would be staying in the caretaker's cabin rather than the main house. While that pleased him, as he wasn't going to be apt to run into his 'old friend' then get the living hell hexed out of him again, he didn't like it either. Here he was, the being that helped bring their lord back to his body and power, and he was stuck in this small room with nothing to do most times. Not only that, he was treated like shite. He understood that no one liked him and he was seen as fairly worthless, but he had done a great many things, like taking care of Lord Voldemort when he was most helpless as well as saving his wand from the wreckage that was Godric's Hollow. That deserved some recognition, at least in his eyes.

Sighing, he looked down, shaking his head. He hated his situation, he really did. However, he didn't see many ways around it either. As he was supposedly dead, he couldn't just go wandering around in public or find other things to do. He also wasn't one that was the greatest with magic so the complicated glamours so many used were beyond him. That left him stuck in the position he was in with not many options unless he wanted to go out as a rat then try to find another home. Really, he wasn't willing to do that either. He had it good with the Weasley's, he would admit that now, but he didn't see that happening again. There was a chance that he could find another home if he sneaked into a pet shop and slipped into a cage with the other rats, but with his luck he would end up in the hands of someone that needed a rat for research or something. No, he wasn't going to chance that.

Looking back out the window, he stared at Sirius. He was certain his 'old friend' didn't want to be here from things he had seen and overheard, but it was a last ditch option to keep himself from being Kissed. So, he had taken it. Harry had used his influence with the Dark Lord to manage it. He didn't like that either. After all, Harry, though a big fish to convert to their side, hadn't been with the Dark Lord nearly as long as people like himself had so he didn't deserve the recognition, or favoritism, that was shown to him. He was just like James in that aspect, he supposed. Along with that, he was certain their lord didn't like having Black here anymore than his 'old friend' wanted to be here. Lord Voldemort was just doing it to please Harry. That rankled. Nor did he like it.

Glaring at Sirius' back while he looked around the small house, Peter just sighed, not sure what to do, honestly. He knew that he wasn't one of the beings that was good at magic. In school, the only reason he had the friends he did was that James felt sorry for him. In fact, the other three let him hang around with them and trail along despite the fact that he was pretty much a failure. He had reveled in that if he were honest with himself and hero-worshiped them. Whatever the other three managed to accomplish helped put him in a good light and made people look more favorably towards him. That he had liked and it felt good. Looking back, he realized that his biggest accomplishment had been his animagus transformation. No, he hadn't liked the form, though it had been dead useful, but he had done it when so many others never could accomplish such a thing. That made him feel better about the fact that he was either average or a failure at some many of the subjects in school.

Once out of school, he had been left in the dust again. Oh, sure, they had all remained friends and he had joined the Order, but James and Sirius had become Aurors when he had taken on a menial job because his scores just hadn't been high enough to get into training, despite the war that was going on. Like had happened so many other times, he had been left behind while the rest of his friends had gone off to do things that were glorious, heroic and dangerous. Even in the Order, he hadn't been given anything to do like the rest, stuff that was easier or not as taxing. He hated that. He knew that he could have done some of the stuff the rest of the Marauders had, but no one had thought he could handle that. It rankled, there was no two ways about it. Then, well, he was certain that they were on the wrong side. The Dark Lord was rising and with the power he had, he was going to win. That's when he defected. It was more out of self-preservation, really, than any true loyalty. Though the Dark Lord didn't seem to see him as any real great asset or( anything, he had given him the Dark Mark. In the end, he had proven his worth by give up the Potters. However, after that, his life became a nightmare.

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