Chapter 9

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The following evening was an intermediate training session at the manor. It was also the night that Harry and Tom had decided to move forward with a plan regarding one particular new recruit.

It was nearing the end of the two hour long training session when Voldemort called out to one of the gathered Death Eaters. "Krum!" he said in his high pitched voice that he only really used when in his Voldemort appearance or when he was really, really angry.

The young Bulgarian tensed and turned instantly to face the front of the room. Harry, as Evan, stood to the side and watched. It was obvious that the man was instantly tense at having the Dark Lord singling him out.

"Yes, my Lord?" Krum said, standing at attention.

"Stay afterwards, I have a special assignment for you."

"Yes, of course, my Lord," Krum said, bowing low and waiting a moment until it was clear that was all Voldemort had to say before returning to the mock duel he had been participating in.

Ten minutes later the hall cleared out and everyone but Voldemort, Harry, and Krum had left. Voldemort stood from his throne-like chair at the head of the room where he often sat to observe. Harry came over and walked beside him as they began to make their way towards the doorway. Harry nodded his head at Krum to indicate that he should follow and the young man quickly trailed behind them. They left the ballroom, went down the hall, and entered a sitting room.

Voldemort took a seat towards one side of the room and appeared to relax and wait. Krum looked at him with mild confusion and expectation for a moment. Voldemort motioned towards 'Evan Harris' as if to silently instruct Krum to defer to the other man. Krum instantly turned his attention on Harry, waiting expectantly.

"You may sit here," Harry said, indicating a stuffed armchair towards the center of the room, opposite another empty chair, and half a room away from where Voldemort was currently seated. Krum sat down stiffly. He held himself still and with perfect posture but Harry could feel the nervous energy rolling off the man. Harry began to slowly orbit around the chair, waiting a moment before continuing.

"You are about to learn of a tremendous secret," Harry began. "One that must not, under any circumstances, go beyond this room. Is that understood?"

Krum's eyes flickered to the side to look at the Dark Lord but quickly refocused on 'Harris'. "Yes, sir," he said with a determined nod.

"Good. I'll go fetch our guest, then." Harry turned and left the room, Krum watching him go with curiosity and confusion barely contained on his features.

Harry walked out the room, across the hall and into another room without even pausing. Once inside, he slipped the ring off his finger, slid it into his pocket, removed his outer robes and put on an extra pair he had left waiting for him in the room. He quickly fastened them closed in the front and pulled the large hood over his head so that it shadowed his face before turning then his way back out the room, pausing for the briefest of moments at the door. This would be the first time since Snape that he would be revealing himself as Harry Potter to a Death Eater.

He opened the door and took a few confident strides inside the room. Krum's eyes locked on him with carefully concealed curiosity. Harry went over and sat in the chair opposite Krum before slowly lowered his hood. He saw the instant that Krum realized who he was and had to fight hard not to laugh at the Bulgarian seeker's startled reaction.

"Potter!" Krum exclaimed in shock. His head darted between Harry and the Dark Lord then back again, clearly bewildered. A quick glance from Harry to Voldemort, still sitting casually to the back of the room, showed Harry that the man was visibly amused but hiding it admirably well.

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