Chapter 25

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Harry walked into the infirmary with his bound parchment notebook and an auto inking quill. He'd gone through the files on each of their 'new recruits' and had made a list of questions that he intended to ask them in person. He went over to the healer who was currently on duty and asked her about everyones current status.

After a brief discussion, he noticed someone else enter the infirmary out of his peripheral vision and turned to look. It was Narcissa Malfoy. She paused at the entrance for a moment before she turned to the only person in the room that she actually cared about, her sister.

Narcissa quickly made her way directly to Bellatrix's bed and set a bag she was carrying down on the chair beside it. She bent over her and delicately brushed her fingers over the sallow, sunken features of the sleeping woman. Harry observed her silently from across the room for a moment. She was clearly trying to hide her emotions and yet she was also obviously affected by the emaciated state of her sister.

The healer asked Harry permission to go over to Narcissa and he nodded his ascent. The healer quickly strode over and began to speak with the aristocratic blond witch while Harry took that time to begin to speak with a few of the new recruits who were currently conscious. It was a mixed batch. The only really consistent thing between them was that they were all thankful to be the hell away from Azkaban.

Their case files were a varied mix. Some were more detailed than others, and he took a moment with each one to clear up some details on why exactly they were sent to prison. He wasn't the least bit surprised when two of them actually insisted they'd never even done the crime they'd committed. Whether this was true or not, Harry didn't really know, or necessarily even care. That is usually how it works in prison, right? Most people plead innocence no matter what? Still, given what happened to his godfather, Harry wasn't about to instantly dismiss their claims to innocence.

From what he could tell, one of them had been more of a political enemy and was tossed into Azkaban on a collection of technicalities in order to get rid of him. The man seemed intelligent and had potential.

Finally, Harry found himself with no one left to speak with and looked across the room to find Narcissa sitting in a chair beside her sister's bed, reading a book. Harry closed his notebook then tucked it under his arm before calmly striding across the room and coming to a stop at the side of Bellatrix's bed opposite where Narcissa was currently sitting. She looked up at the movement with slightly wide eyes for a moment before schooling her expression and bowing her head.

"My Lord," she spoke softly.

He still was not used to that.

"Lady Malfoy," he replied with a slight incline of his head before looking down at the unconscious witch. "How is your sister?"

"The healer has her in a medically induced sleep so that the potions can heal her body faster," Narcissa said while sitting primly in her chair.

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "We are working on recruiting a wizard who specializes in mind healing and has experience with rehabilitating prisoners who have had to spend a few years in Azkaban. It's not quite the same as the considerable duration that your sister has been exposed to the dementors but he will, hopefully, help in speeding up the recovery of those who suffered the greatest for their loyalty."

"That is a relief to hear, my Lord. Thank you," Narcissa replied quietly bowing her head again.

"Your husband has served the Dark Lord well and he has shown me great respect even when I was considered little more than an apprentice. He performed his duties beyond expectations during the raid on Azkaban. The Dark Lord and I are very pleased with your family. You have shown great loyalty and have aided in the cause, even to the detriment of family. Your actions will not be forgotten or ignored."

She looked up with slightly wide eyes before allowing a small smile to grace her thin lips and bowing her head again. "Thank you for your praise, my Lord. You are most gracious."

"Will you be returning often to lend aid in the infirmary? I imagine you would like to keep an eye on your sister during her recovery?"

"I will return as often as I am able. Lucius is not always available to bring me ..."

"I will key you into the wards. It's an inconvenience to both of you to rely on your husband's Mark to grant you entry," Harry said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Harry closed his eyes tilted his head to the side, reaching out with his magic to tap into the wards surrounding the abbey. Once he was sure he had a hold of it he opened his eyes to look at Narcissa and held his hand out in offering. "Give me your hand."

She stood quickly and made her way around the bed. She tentatively placed a shaking hand into Harry's. He touched her magic just enough to lock her signature into the wards so they would permit her entry.

"You are keyed in," he said simply as he dropped her hand.

"Thank you my Lord," she said a little breathless with surprise. Her eyes shone with curiosity and she clearly wanted to ask him a question but was refraining.

Harry smirked slightly. "You may speak freely," he said, prodding her to ask her question.

"I... I apologize, my Lord, I am simply surprised that you have access to the wards," she said, lowering her head to the end.

"This is one of my family homes, actually. However, the Dark Lord has full control of the wards as well, as would be expected."

"Your home?" she echoed with obvious surprise.

"Yes," Harry replied simply.

"I see. Well, what I have seen of it so far is beautiful."

"I'm glad. I'll have to show you around sometime. I put a great deal of effort into preparing it when we decided to open it up and use it for our headquarters."

"That is most gracious of you, my Lord," she said, almost gushing and Harry barely held in a chuckle that wished to escape him.

Harry finally gave her a final nod and shifted his notebook again. "I will leave you to your vigil. I have things I must attend to."

"Of course. It was a pleasure speaking with you."

"The pleasure was all mine, I assure you," Harry said with a simple bow of his head before heading out of the Infirmary.

A.N.- This is the last full part of what Aya had posted. All that was after this were notes about what was to come. From this point on, what's to be posted will be what I've written. I will, probably, use most of what she had posted as notes but not all. As this was basically all she had, the plotline that comes will be from my own twisted, warped imagination. I also remind you that I'm not her, I cannot, no matter how hard I try, copy her writing style. Nor can I do the length of chapters she does, my brain would melt if I attempted it. Also, I don't, beyond what her notes that were on the final chapter she posted, have any idea what she might have had in mind, in anything. Please, keep that in mind.

So, from here on out, grab hold and let me take you for a ride! Hopefully, it's one you enjoy and I can do justice to a wonderful story and author!

-Danyealle (true author of this story)

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