Chapter 41

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Sitting in the Great Hall at breakfast, Harry was in a deep conversation with Ginny about their Runes project with Hermione listening in and offering advice. So far they didn't have a project but had narrowed down their choices on what to do. That helped. As there was now only a couple to chose from, he was sure they would come up with something in the week then could start working on it. He liked that.

Once that topic was exhausted, they were talking about the new History teacher. It was a being that none of them had heard of, other than Harry; Lennox Crockett. He had already completely junked everything Binns had been teaching and was starting over with the true history of their world. Some of what had already been said in that class had set many in the school on their ear because it showed that Light and Dark were supposed to co-exist. Then there was the fact that Merlin was considered a Dark wizard because of what he descended from. There had, of course, been many protests of that in Gryffindor and people swearing it wasn't true, but the proof was there. To Harry, that meant that he and Tom's plans were working perfectly.

While talking about some of what had been said, the post owls arrived. As he usually didn't get anything, Harry was startled to see an unfamiliar owl land in front of him. Assuming it was from his new solicitor about the upcoming meeting at the castle, he took the letter. After feeding a tidbit of bacon to the bird and allowing it to drink from his cup, the creature took flight and was gone. Opening the letter, he was surprised to see that it was from Remus. Glancing at it, he saw it was nothing but the normal generalities, like asking about his grades. However, as he read through it, he realized the short missive was actually transfigured. To him, that meant there was something the werewolf had to say he didn't want anyone else to see. Figuring that it was now prudent to not look it over at the table or try to figure out the spell on it, he tucked it into his pocket then went on with his conversation, dismissing it as just the werewolf checking up on him. Hermione and Ginny wouldn't think anything of it because of who it was. Later on, when he had some time alone, he would read what was really there.

During his first break of the day, Harry made his way to the Room of Requirement. Once in there and ensuring no one could join him, he sat down on one of the chairs that were there then pulled the letter from Remus out. Frowning at it, he worked on it for a couple minutes before the short letter finally revealed the massive parchment it truly was. Eyes wide, he was startled by just how big it was. Skimming it lightly, brow furrowed, he realized that this was something that was going to take time to get through.

Nodding to himself, he set an alarm to make certain he wasn't going to be late for his next class then began to read.

By the time he finished the massive letter, Harry was grinning, pleased. Remus was seeing the light! Not only that, he was backing away from Dumbledore. No, he didn't think the werewolf would come to their side of things, but he was certain that he was going to stay with the werewolf pack, something that would be good for him. That Harry liked. Of all the things he didn't want in the world, facing off against his father's old friends was high on the list. If they were out of the war, that was fine with him. He would, of course, be honest with them about what was going on when it came to his end of the whole mess, but he didn't want to fight them over it. And he didn't want them hurt either. Staying with Dumbledore and siding with the old man would end up with them having that happen. Not only that, they would end up used then tossed aside or thrown to the wolves, so to speak. No, he didn't like that idea. As long as they were out, he was fine with the situation.

Casting a Tempus, he nodded when he saw the time. It was close to the time for his next class so he should be going. Gathering his things, he stood then walked out of the room, making a mental note to ensure that he got with Sirius that night so that his godfather knew Remus was worried about him. He was sure that Sirius had a way to get a hold of his old friend to let him know he was fine. If not, he would see what Sirius wanted him to say to Remus so that the werewolf didn't worry about him.

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