Chapter 65

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"Now that you mention it, that's where I've seen the wand," Tom nodded after Harry told him what he discovered. "It comes down to how to get it from him now."

"Shouldn't be nearly as hard as what it normally would be," Harry told him with a snicker. "He was winded and looked plenty old yesterday after his walk from the Great Hall up to his office. Doubt it would take too much to defeat him.""Let me get an exact telling of his condition from Severus then we'll go from there," Tom said with a smirk. He then added, quietly, "You're the one taking him on when it comes to the confrontation.""He is?" Sirius asked quietly, looking between the two from where he was seated off to the side of the desk, like normal. That was an idea he didn't like in the least. Albus might not be in the best of shape, but he was still not someone you wanted to fool with. Since they were in the office alone before he and Harry did their normal, he wanted to ask since it wouldn't give away anything to the usual Death Eaters around."Tom promised me long ago I would be the one who could do it." Harry told him, smirking and looking pleased."If what we know is right, it'll come down to him doing so anyway," Tom added, looking at Black. "He's the Master of Death. I'm sure it'll come into play when the confrontation happens.""That as well," Harry nodded, now curious what it could mean and how it would play out. He then added for Sirius' sake, "You'll be by me the whole time, so I doubt it'll turn out bad. Tom will as well. Between you two and everyone else, as I don't see this as something which would be a one on one fight, I'm sure it'll turn out fine.""True," Sirius grumbled, still not liking the thought."It's not something we can plan on, though. If the fight comes, it'll just happen. Let's see if the old man gives us some kind of foreshadowing of what he's planning. If he does, we can plan it out," Tom said. He hoped it would be the case as he didn't like going into anything without the most basic of plans."Right," Tom said, straightening up. "Did you get with your Solicitor about the title change for Grimmauld Place?" He asked Sirius. This was something he wanted in place before the hols. Somehow, he had a feeling the break would end up pivotal for plenty. With as short as Albus' time was, he figured the man would try something."All sent off and I should get the paperwork back tomorrow. Then Harry has to sign it after I do. Once he does, the house is his," Sirius told him. He was actually happy to have the old family home going to someone else. It wasn't something he wanted and it being deeded to Harry would eliminate him having to deal with anything to do with it ever again."Good," Harry nodded, looking pleased. "It'll all be in place for the hols then." He then told Sirius about the plan to go on Christmas day. When he finished, seeing Sirius about to protest, he added, "We need this. It'll only be for a couple of hours. All we want is for it to end up clear we were married, something you witnessed, and we're on our honeymoon. If we get it out there, we're not going to have as many problems and it will keep the old man spinning in circles, throwing off whatever he's planning."Though Sirius didn't like going back to that horrid house, even for a couple of hours, he understood the why behind it. With a heavy sigh and reluctant nod, he agreed. "Just so it's only for a couple of hours, no more. I don't want anything to do with that place.""No more, our word," Harry assured him. "It'll be risky anyway with Tom being there. His disguise and glamour has fooled everyone, but if that old man's around, though he managed once, not to mention who all else might turn up, we don't want to chance it for any longer.""Understood and not something I thought of," Sirius admitted. He thought he could handle this with Harry around and it only being for a short time. "I'll have to get you through the Fidelius.""You already did," Tom snorted, grinning a tad. Before Black could ask, he explained about the gift for Harry's birthday. "You already allowed me through.""Yeah, the stunt rather backfired there, Sirius," Harry laughed, reaching over to give his godfather a playful shove."Guess it did," Sirius grinned a tad sheepishly. "Didn't think of it at the time.""Was rather a good gift I appreciated," Tom told him, looking smug."Yeah, yeah, yeah," Sirius chuckled, scratching his goatee. While it might seem to plenty a traitorous act, giving away the location and ability to get into Order headquarters, he found he didn't rightly give a damn. Tom hadn't used it to his advantage, yet anyway, and with how Albus was, he really didn't care. Let the old man and some of the others deal with the fallout."Right," Tom said, straightening up. "Let's get to work on some of this. Then you two can do your normal rounds." Pushing over the papers of the legislation he was working on so Harry could stay caught up, he explained what he wanted and waited for Harry to read it. Once he did, they would go from there.

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