Chapter 60

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Looking in the mirror in the washroom at the Ministry, Lucius was making sure everything was in place and looking normal. He also made sure to cast extra freshening charms on himself so that any of the smells from the fire and whatnot couldn't be detected. Already his heart was hammering, knowing how delicate this was about to be. There was also all that was riding on what he had to say. This was one mission he did not want to mess up. Since the Dark Lord's return, he had felt his wrath once already and was still in disfavor over that error in judgment. If he bungled this particular mission, it would end up even worse. That he couldn't allow to happen.

After checking himself over critically, making damned sure everything was in place, Lucius felt he was ready to do this. After all, he only had a very limited time to get with Cornelius and make it look good. Delaying wasn't something he had time for. Nodding to himself in the mirror, he swept out to go find the Minister of Magic.Catching Cornelius just as he looked like he was preparing to head home, Lucius stopped him with a light touch on the elbow. "Sorry to disturb, as I know you're about to leave, but if I could bend your ear a moment on some information I heard not long ago, it would be most appreciated, Cornelius." He already had the excuse in mind, of course, a minor piece of legislation that was tricky and controversial. It was also one that the Dark Lord did want to go through, so it was well known that he was paying close attention to it.Though tired, Cornelius wasn't about to turn Lucius down. After all, the man was one of his top donors. "Of course, Lucius," he said, looking pleasant. "Do we need to retire to my office or is doing it here fine?""No need to make a big production of it," Lucius told him with a dismissive wave. "If we just slide out of the flow of traffic, we can discuss it quickly. It's about that tricky bit of legislation dealing with werewolves."That contentious piece of legislation was giving him an ulcer, to be honest, so Cornelius actually looked forward to what Lucius had to say on the topic to know which direction to lean. Motioning Lucius to follow, he found a quiet corner for them to discuss it.Delving in, trying not to focus on what was coming, Lucius laid out what he thought of the legislation, factoring in what the Dark Lord wanted to press for. He also made a clear case that much of what was there didn't apply to those like Fenrir. Even he found that werewolf the height of disgusting and what he did reckless. He was sure that if he didn't have his uses to the Dark Lord, that nasty piece of work would have died long ago for endangering so much.As Cornelius listened intently, taking in everything Lucius said, pleased to finally have a way to lean, he was distracted by a couple members of the DMLE hurrying their way, looking wide-eyed. Cutting Lucius off by holding up his hand, he waited to see what was going on.Pretending that he was startled by the interruption, Lucius stepped back, but listened intently, acting like he was stunned by what he was hearing. Now he just had to wait for the opportune moment to interject himself and get this moving how they needed it to.Sputtering when the conversation finished, pale, Cornelius turned to Lucius then told him, mopping his brow, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. You heard what this is. That means I need involved to oversee it before it becomes a big cock-up. I'm sure you understand, Lucius. Stop over in the next couple of days and we'll finish discussing this.""Of course," Lucius told him, an understanding bent to his voice. "However, before you go, if I may—a suggestion?" This was it. He was sure as flustered as Cornelius was that he would take it. Seeing the man motion for him to continue, he pressed on. "If I were you, I would not only go there personally to oversee the matter so that it's done by the books, but you go to Hogwarts personally to inform Mr. Potter. That's going to make sure it's not only done right, but so the public sees you're involved. I'm sure Mr. Potter would also appreciate the matter." Lowering his voice, sounding conspiratorial, he added, "And considering what Albus is like with Mr. Potter and how he will have to be involved when you all get to that school, you might want to get Mr. Potter's solicitor there as fast as you can. Doing all that can only help you, Cornelius." Though it was common knowledge that he didn't like Mr. Potter, it was also equally as well known that he hated Albus even more. Plus, this would be expected to help Cornelius. As Cornelius wasn't about to put it out there that he had a hand in anything, no one else would think anything was off with his involvement or suggestions."Oh yes, those are areas I need to tend to. Yes, they are. Thank you, Lucius, you were most helpful!" Mind already circling the problems, he planned to stay one step ahead of that old goat and be the hands on Minster he touted himself as. This was perfect to show that.Smug, pleased that it went perfectly, Lucius nodded to him. "I'll leave you to handle the emergency. At some point this week, I'll pop in and we can continue our discussion." Seeing Cornelius nod, summoning the people he needed, Lucius left, planning to go report in.

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