Chapter 45

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Looking around at the other three assembled in the office, Barty said, "Thankfully, those in the infirmary have taken Evan up on the offer to use the practice dummies over the last couple days. I've been able to do a little observing when it comes to them, but in cases like Bella and a couple others, they are paranoid enough that they are too wary for me to do much. I thought it best to leave them to their own devices to once more try to get a feel for their magic and what they can do. From what I was able to see, there are a couple I'm going to need to spend some time alone with to work on issues. One has a palsy of some sort, from what I don't know, but it's greatly affecting what they are doing. A couple others seem to also have some health issues that are coming into play when it comes to their skills."

"Understood," The Dark Lord said with a nod. "How much of a problem are you anticipating? Or is it something you can work with without issue?"

"It depends on the person," Barty told him truthfully. "The majority aren't a problem. Even the one with the palsy isn't. However, there are some. Most—they are wary and slightly paranoid, something understandable after their stay in Azkaban. A couple others are a real issue. Bella is one of those. Evan already has given permission for Narcissa to stay with her sister for this first session. I'm also going to add here that I think for the first few weeks, until Bella starts to get back to the skill level she was, that Narcissa stay. She's dealing with the same thing many others are; frustration. With the issues Bella had even before Azkaban, frustration on top of that is not a good thing to deal with. Narcissa has a way of handling her sister. I also think that frustration is going affect many of the others as well. These are people that were at the top of the skill level before incarceration. They are rusty, out of practice and still have problems. That's something that's going to come into play."

Taking that in, Tom nodded slowly then looked at Evan who was doing the same. "I take it you have something in mind to help?"

"I do," Barty told him firmly with a nod. "I've had Evan grab his invisibility cloak. While they work, it's my plan to have him walk around under that to take notes on what he sees. They will, of course, know he's there as we'll tell them, but this way they won't feel scrutinized by someone they aren't all that familiar with yet, or, in the case of Bella, trust. He can get the notes I'll need on who is where and what might need work, then pass them to me while they aren't as on edge about someone watching over their shoulder. Nor, for this session, unless it's you, my Lord, would I say any of us step in and help. They might accept a small offer of such from me here and there because they remember me from Azkaban, but Evan or Titus I would say to leave it alone, at least until they can observe them more. In some cases, like Bella, just short of another visual like your duel with Evan, I wouldn't have him help until she's a bit more—how shall we say it—with the program on who is doing what. Once I have something to work with and as they don't have much to do, I think I can convince most of them, though Bella might be a little harder to do that with, to work with me a couple hours a week alone. A couple actually have already asked to see if they can't overcome some issues they are having."

Processing that, Tom told him slowly, "Yes, this is a good idea. Let's just use this session to get a feel for where they are and who has the biggest issues. I'll make sure I stick closer to them than I do the other group." Peering at his lover, he said, "And the invisibility cloak is a good idea. I'll make sure they know at the very beginning he's around under it at my direction. After some observation today, we can sit down and see where we are then formulate something to deal with those that need the most help for whatever reason. I think it's a good idea to also keep the practice room open at all times. Let them go use it at will or set up something like a sign-up sheet to block off time to work alone. They can, of course, get you to help if they want."

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